Grace and Glory (The Harbinger #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,33

could argue all day the semantics of whether any murder was justifiable, but it wasn’t like Wardens hadn’t taken out bad humans in the past who’d not only been assisting demons, but were actively committing horrendous deeds. So, No Regrets on that front for the time being.

What was important was that Zayne was still in there. I just needed to figure out how in the world I could pull this off.

I tugged the blanket up to my chin as I stared at the stars. Finding Zayne seemed damn near impossible. Was I going to need to put myself in harm’s way with a demon for him to show up again? I didn’t make a good damsel in distress, so I doubted that plan would work. Not only that, what if I ended up in Gabriel’s hands? Even if I figured out a way to lure Zayne back out into the open, how would I be able to use the Sword of Michael? Since he could sense me calling on my grace, there would be no element of surprise. I was going to have to fight him, and somehow gain the upper hand. I was going to need everything in me to pull that off. It would be like fighting Gabriel all over again, and I knew how that had ended.

I wished I could find something that not only brought him to me but knocked him unconscious.

I sighed. I knew wishes on stars weren’t answered, but I was willing to try—

My eyes widened. It was then, as I stared up at the softly glowing Constellation of Zayne, that my wish was granted in the form of an idea.

There was one person that I had a feeling could get Zayne to come to me, whether he wanted to or not. And if anyone knew how to incapacitate a fallen angel, it would have to be her.

The Crone.

* * *

There was no way I could sleep after discovering what I hoped was a way to get Zayne where I needed him.

Energized, I swung my legs off the bed and turned on the bedside lamp. The only problem was that I had no idea where that hotel had been that Roth had taken me to when we’d met the witches. It wasn’t like I’d been able to see any of the street signs or had the foresight to ask directions. There was also a chance that the Crone had already left the city, like the rest of the coven had. Well, the ones who were still alive.

Wasn’t like I could ask Roth or Layla since I figured Hell didn’t have cell phone coverage. Gideon probably could find its location, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to put what was left of the coven on the Wardens’ radar. Sure, they had bigger problems right now. We all did, but witches were definitely on the to-kill Warden list. Some of them, namely Faye, had deserved it after providing a spell to the senator that basically turned humans into cannon fodder, but not all witches did.

Just ones who wanted to use parts of my body.

But there could be a chance that after everything, if there was an after, the Wardens could go after the witches. As bad as I needed to know that information, I couldn’t do that.

However, I did know a certain demon who wasn’t returning my calls who had showed up at the hotel to break the contract that freed Bambi.

Realizing I’d left my phone in the kitchen, I rose and went to the door, opening it.

The explosion of tingles along the base of my skull was sudden and sharp. My hand went to my thigh, only to discover that I didn’t have my iron daggers with me. They were on the dresser? Nope. The bathroom counter. Dammit.

But I had my grace. It pulsed in my chest, not as intensely as usual. I needed rest and time, but neither thing was going to happen.

The open space in the narrow hallway warped. Really hoping this wasn’t another creepy Ghoul and trying not to be freaked out by the implications that a demon was about to pop itself into the apartment, I tapped into the grace.

A second later, a dark-haired demon stood in front of me. Relief swept through me as I recognized Cayman.

I pulled the grace back in. “I was this close to killing you. How did you get in here?”

“Since I’ve been invited in, I can come here whenever I please.” He dropped the bomb Copyright 2016 - 2024