Grace and Glory (The Harbinger #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,111

He tugged lightly on my shirt. “I’m sure there are people and places you want to see.”

“I...” My lips pursed. “I would like to go visit Jada and Thierry.”

“We can do that. What else? Someplace you’ve never been.”

I tipped my head back against the seat. “Maybe go to a...beach? Like not a superbusy one. I’ve never stepped into the sea and I’d like to see the ocean before, you know, so I would like to do that. And I’ve always wanted to see the Hollywood sign. I know that sounds cheesy.”

“It doesn’t,” he said. “Where else?”

“Like anywhere?”


A grin pulled at my lips. “I’d love to see Edinburgh and Rome with my own eyes and touch the buildings. Oh—and Sicily. I would like to visit where my family comes from—well, where my mother’s side of the family comes from. What about you?”

“Anyplace you want to go, I’m down with.”

I looked over at him. “But there has to be a place you’d prefer.”

“Where you are is where I prefer.” He lifted a hand, making sure I saw it first before he cupped my cheek. “Seriously. You want to go visit the community, we can do that. You want to find a distant private beach, we can do that. You want to rent a cabin in the mountains, it’ll be my new favorite place. Rome? Sicily? I’d love to see them with you.” He smoothed his thumb along my lower lip. “Better yet, we should keep adding to the list of the places you want to see and we’ll do it. We’ll see all of the places. It doesn’t matter if it takes months or an entire year. We’ll do it and make enough memories.”

My throat constricted with emotion. I knew what he was up to. Make enough memories so that when my vision went, I still had those to look back on instead of canvases empty of color and shape. “You’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

“Being perfect.” I leaned over, missing his mouth on the first go but finding his lips quickly after. I kissed him. “I love you.”

He kissed me back, the touch of his lips sweet and gentle. “I love you, Trinity.”

Squeezing my eyes shut to stop the rush of silly tears, I pressed my forehead against his. “I like this plan.”

“So do I.” He kissed the corner of my lips. “But first...”

“But first we need to go to the drugstore,” I told him, stomach taking a leap.

“We do.”

“And then swing by the compound to get your phone.”

“Maybe we can talk them into making us dinner,” he suggested.

I smiled against his lips. “Then see if we can draw out any demons.”

“Don’t forget to pencil time in there for me to show you how happy I was to see my car.”

I laughed as I slipped a hand around the back of his neck, threading my fingers through his hair. “I have not forgotten that. We can make time for that at any point.” I kissed him quickly. “And then we need to shut down the portals and kill Gabriel.”

“I want to get back to making time for that at any point.” His hand slid from my cheek, all the way down my side. “How about now?”

My pulse immediately skyrocketed into uncharted territories. “Anytime,” I whispered.

“Then get over here,” he said, his voice coming out deep and rough as he curled his arm around my waist.

And I got over there.

Well, Zayne got me over there, because there was a whole lot of maneuvering that was beyond me in the dark interior, but he had me in his lap in a nanosecond and our bodies lined up in all the fun and very inappropriate ways. My hands moved from his shoulders toward the center of his chest.

“Careful.” His mouth hovered against mine. “You’re going to break those sunglasses.”

I pulled them free from the collar of his shirt and tossed them onto the back seat. “They’re safe now.”

Zayne laughed as he steeled his hands on my hips. “We’re going to have to see about that.”

“Later,” I insisted, brushing my nose along his.

“Yes.” His lips glided over mine. “Later.”

The pressure of his mouth increased against mine as I leaned into him, reveling in the feel of him. I would never grow tired—

My phone rang, rattling from the cupholder I’d stashed it in. “We can ignore it.”

His hand drifted up, over the swell of my breast. His touch scorched me through the thin shirt. “We should.”

I don’t know who kissed who then. It didn’t matter. The rawness Copyright 2016 - 2024