Gorgeous: Book One (Gorgeous #1) - Lisa Shelby Page 0,9

once a week, and that's it. I don't feel emotionally connected to him as a boyfriend, but I would certainly miss his friendship. It's a little sad to think I've been in a relationship for three years, and a move to San Francisco isn't something that will rock the boat. We should be in a different place. I should be in a different place. I'm twenty-nine years old. If there was ever a time for a change this is it. Besides, Oregon still has me looking over my shoulder a little too much. California might be a nice fresh start.

Looks like I'm moving to San Francisco.

"Good morning, Miss Adams."

He has my number programmed into his phone already? Creeper.

"Good morning, Mr. McKinley."

"Have you come to a decision then?"

"I have, sir. I've decided to take you up on your offer, but I will not be able to join you in New York. I owe my current employer better than a few days’ notice, and I do not want to leave them on bad terms. If this is a deal breaker, I understand and appreciate the offer."

Silence fills the other side of the line for many long seconds. It appears he really is used to getting what he wants.

Well, the thought of paying off those student loans was nice while it lasted.

"It's not ideal, Miss Adams, but if those are your terms, we can work around them. I find it quite admirable that you would risk this new opportunity due to your loyalty to your current employer, and it assures me I'm making the right decision by hiring you. I hope we at EVC will also elicit the same loyalty from you."

"Of course."

"As you know, your relocation is covered, but should you need any assistance with your move or any information about the city, don't hesitate to ask. You have my number and, of course, Evelyn is available to assist. We'll be putting you up at the St. Francis until you find something so, no rush at all."

"That's very kind of you, sir."

"It's not kind, Miss Adams. We're asking you to move six hundred and fifty miles from home. The least we can do is make sure you’re comfortable. I also don't want you to settle. Be sure to take your time researching different areas of town and find a location you're comfortable with. The last thing we want is for you to regret your decision."

I have never experienced a phone call that has confused me more than this one. It is nothing but professional, which is an incredible relief, but the kindness and concern he's showing me makes me feel much more than relief. I know it shouldn't, but it feels good. To have a man, not just any man, but Ronan McKinley, show concern for your general well-being, is something that feels incredible. My head knows he is speaking as a businessman who takes care of his employees, but the butterflies in my stomach are making more of the situation and throwing themselves into quite the little tizzy.

And I don't even like him!

"Thank you, Mr. McKinley. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I do appreciate your offer. I'll reach out to Evelyn if I have any questions or concerns."

"You're welcome. I look forward to working with you, and I'll see you a week from this coming Monday. Have a nice day, Olivia."

The phone disconnects, and after a few seconds of repeating the sound of his luxurious voice saying my first name over and over in my head, I set my phone down.

Get it together! He is your new boss, and all he did was say your name!

Am I making a mistake?

The pay and the benefits are amazing. The chance to travel and expand my résumé is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A move may be just the change I didn't even know I needed, but is it a mistake?

They way my body reacts when simply hearing his voice over the phone is a complete rush. Ronan McKinley is everything I can't stand in a person, and I don't know him from Adam, so why am I reacting this way?

Maybe it's the attention?

As much as I may enjoy my relationship with Bryce, he doesn't pay me a lot of attention. At first, I thought it was just what I needed. A man who had his own life and didn't expect me to change everything about my life to conform to his. I still get my much-needed alone time, but I see him often enough

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