Gorgeous: Book One (Gorgeous #1) - Lisa Shelby Page 0,71

a look in the mirror...neither have I.

"It's a physical pain for me to be away from you, Olivia. I think you need to start traveling with me. You are my personal assistant after all."

"I don't want to admit you’re right, but I may have to reconsider."

"It would produce an entirely new problem, though..." She looks at me with a cocked brow as she lifts her head from my chest. "It would be horrible to sit next to you on a plane or in a boardroom and not be able to touch you. I think our disguise would be foiled. Good thing, I almost have things in place and sooner, rather than later, I may have a solution to our problem."

"Tell me!"

"Nope. Not until it's a done deal and something I think you would be interested in. If you aren't on board with my solution, then it's back to the drawing board, or you just suck it up and we come out, as they say."

"Well, I can't wait to hear what your idea is. I'll be right back."

She knows I am watching her, and as she walks out of the room in the direction of the bathroom, she swings her hips seductively and throws my tie over her shoulder. And just like that, I am ready for round two.

Minutes later, she’s back with a warm washcloth and takes her time cleaning me up. Once she settles back in bed next to me she rolls over onto her side, and I assume my position behind her and wrap her in my arms.

"So, talking to you about my mom has had me thinking and...I think I want to try to find her." She lets out a heavy breath, and I can tell it is not an easy decision for her to come to.

"Baby, I'll do whatever I can to help you find her. I have a crack team who can find her, and if they can't they'll know who to reach out to, to get the job done.."

"I don't expect you to do that for me."

"I won't have it any other way. You leave it to me, baby." I kiss the back of her head and feel her body relax and melt into mine.

All too soon she stiffens again.

"What is it? You can tell me anything," I whisper in her ear.

"It's not that big of a deal really. It’s just that…um...my birth name is Amber Olivia McCarthy."


"Okay, did your mom remarry or something?" I ask innocently enough.


"Okay. No explanation needed. Thanks for letting me know. It will help when the team starts their search for her tomorrow."

"My mom had my name changed after my dad passed. Due to the circumstances of his death, she felt it might be safer, and I always liked Olivia better. That's all."

That's all? Is she serious? There is clearly more about her father's death that she hasn't told me.

I give her a squeeze and kiss her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, baby. Thank you for telling me."

When she realizes I am not going to grill her and push her for more information, I feel her body go lax and she settles in for the night.

I'm proud of her for coming to this decision. I know it may not be easy and will bring up the ghosts from her past that she has tried so hard to escape, but I'm glad it's something I can help her with. All I want to do is fix all of her broken pieces. Not because she is broken to me. To me, she is perfect, but she has had so much loss and trauma in her life, and I'll do whatever I can to make it all better.

She has erased all the gray from my world and has brought all the colors of the God-damned rainbow to my life. It's my turn to return the favor in any way possible.

"Ronan, are you going to introduce me to the hot little number that's got all of your attention tonight?"

London's voice grates on my nerves when the first syllable leaves her mouth. The shrill sound brings me back to the here and now, and it looks like my feet are moving on their own accord because I've made my way around the room and like always, I'm drawn to Olivia without even realizing it, because I’m now only a few feet away from her.

"Hello, London. Nice to see you."

I lean in and kiss her on the cheek, but she's right; only one person here tonight

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