Gorgeous: Book One (Gorgeous #1) - Lisa Shelby Page 0,54

but I don't date around, Ronan. I know I just ended a relationship, but there wasn't really a relationship to end, and I never would have let this happen if I hadn't already ended things with him."

"Oh sweetheart, I thought I was actually pretty loquacious last night—for a guy anyway—but if I need to clarify and make sure things are crystal clear for you, I don't mind setting things straight." Sitting her up so she can see the conviction on my face. I make clear my intentions. "Olivia Adams, I am not sharing you with anyone, and I certainly hope you don't want to share me either?"

With a shake of her head and a shy smile, she says, "Nope."

"Good. Glad that's out of the way."

"What about the fact that I had sex with you the day after ending my previous relationship? Kinda slutty?" She brings her arms around her middle, and I think the speed in which we're moving may have hit her.

"Olivia, when was the last time you had sex with Bryce?"

She gasps, "We don't need to talk about that!"

"I can handle it. Tell me," I demand.

"Why are you doing this?"

She throws herself off me and pulls the blanket tightly over her naked body. I don't answer her and just wait her out. She needs to get over this because I am not worried about science-geek, Bryce. All it took was her confessing she had never had multiple orgasms with a man before, and any insecurity that could have ever been remotely possible from my side of things vanished.

Nope, I am not worried about little old Bryce.

"Fine! It's been weeks. We only saw each other once a week, if that, and if he was wrapped up in work, we didn't even do it then. It was boring and didn't make a bit of difference to me if we had sex or not. If I had it once every two weeks for the last three years that was pushing it. There, are you satisfied? Now you know all about my pathetic sex life. I'm sure you have women hanging off you wherever you go, and all you have to do is snap your fingers and you'll have some perfect ten waiting to be at your beck and call!"

She crosses her arms in a huff, and I can't help but chuckle at her dramatics, and when I do I get a smack to the chest from the fired-up beauty next to me.

"Are you finished?"

"Yes," she huffs with her arms crossed again.

"Well, now that your little hissy fit is finished..."

My comment earns me some side-eye, and I swear she looks like she wants to stick her tongue out at me but just can't bring herself to.

"If you're finished, let me set things straight. Was there a time in my life where I had a different woman most nights? Yes. In my twenties, I didn't just ride my bike to blow off steam. I used women and I partied. But I also worked my ass off. I didn't have time for relationships. I was busy working my way up through EVC and convincing my father and my uncle to create the real estate division of the company and that I was worthy of running it. I took that part of my life very seriously. Still do."

"I understand. I would never want to get in the way of that."

"I'm not finished."


"Some years back, I realized I had gotten where I wanted in the company, but my personal life was crap. I became an adult, bought a house, upgraded my boat, and worked really hard, but I haven't had anyone to share any of it with. I need you to know that I don't sleep around like I used to. That being said...it doesn't mean that I haven't had sex in years, but it does mean that my dating life may not be exactly what you think."

"It could be, though," she says, finally smiling, even if it is dripping in sass.

"I suppose you're right, but the women I meet in my circles all want the same things. Prestige and money. They don't want me; they want my name. There haven't been many in my life that actually know the real me."

She climbs back onto my lap. "This is where I'm supposed to say how sorry I am for your lonely life, I know, but I just can't. I know it's selfish, but we might not be sitting here under this blanket, naked in broad daylight,

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