Gorgeous: Book One (Gorgeous #1) - Lisa Shelby Page 0,2

he was tall with a broad build and dark features. Yes, he was incredibly handsome, but he also had a natural strength about him. You just knew upon meeting him that he was powerful. Everything about him was intense, and when he shook my hand and his eyes met mine, it felt like my entire world had shifted ever so slightly.

I know it was just an instant, but it was enough to have me running for the hills and escaping his presence as quickly as I could.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Alex. You taught me everything I know, and you were there every step of the way. Thank you for everything."

"I wouldn't want to work with anyone else and you know it. Besides, I'm not the only person who was with you every step of the way. Don't think I didn't see mister tall, dark, and handsome following your every move last night. What was that all about and who was he?"

"What are you talking about, there was nobody following me around last night."

I know it would be too good to be true, but how much would I love it to be Ronan McKinley she is talking about. Besides, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

"Don't tell me you didn't see him. I saw you shake his hand and after you walked away, he stalked you like his prey. Tell me you at least got his number."

"Alex, why would I get the number of a man who you are making up in your head? Ronan McKinley was not following me around the gala tonight. You must be crazy with exhaustion."

"Ha! I knew you knew who I was talking about!"

"Oh, stop it. You are living in a dream world."

"Huh. Well, you could have fooled me. He looked like he was pretty smitten. Fascinated at the very least. I mean, who could blame him? Look at you."

"I am nothing special, Alex. It's very sweet of you to try to boost my ego like you always do, though."

"Hey, I don't want to hear that again. Got it. You are incredibly special. Just because you look like Portland's version of Kate Beckinsale isn't the reason either. You are strong, independent, and you've been through things that most people wouldn't make it through and out on to the other side. You are special, and that fine-looking man knew it the moment he laid his eyes on you."

The ding of the elevator reaching my floor clears my head of thoughts about last night and the possibility that a man like him could think anything complimentary about me. The smile is still on my face, and I love that, at the very least, I have the memory of the moment we met and the way he made me feel. It's not something that many women could easily dismiss. I am human after all.

Walking down the hall with a little extra spring in my step from a job well done and a handshake to beat all handshakes, I can't help but hum under my breath as I log into my computer and dial into my voicemail. Looking around my bare minimum space, with no personal items adorning it, I think to myself it might be nice to have a picture of him somewhere on my desk. But then again, I have a feeling just having a picture of him to stare at all day would be too distracting and not much work would get done.

I grab a pen and when the voicemail begins, I am too shocked to write a word of it down. In fact, I have to play it a second time to really take in what is being said.

"Hello, this message is for a Miss Olivia Adams. This is Evelyn Hunter calling from EVC Corp. Your gala last night has earned you rave reviews, and we are very interested in working with you. We would like to extend an invitation to interview for a position here at EVC. Please be on the lookout for a package to arrive in your name with hotel accommodations and a round-trip airline ticket to San Francisco. Please do not hesitate to call with questions."

The messaging system is asking me over and over again if I would like to delete or save my message, but I'm too shocked to push any of the buttons.

What in the hell was that all about?

Eventually, I hang up the phone and realize this must be some kind of joke, but I still

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