Goldilocks - Jay Crownover Page 0,64

so caught up in trying to make sure I didn’t blow before she did, it took me a minute to realize what she meant. I could feel her inner muscles flexing and fluttering around my dick. I could also feel a rush of wetness that was starting to flow around me. Everything intensified when I played with her nipple a little rougher than I had before.

She wasn’t a virgin, but that didn’t mean she had any kind of experience in what sex was supposed to be. I wasn’t her first, but I might as well have been.

“You’re gonna come.”

She lifted her head and looked at me like she was in shock.

Her mouth made a cute little ‘o’ of surprise, and a second later, she let out a low moan, and I felt her body release all around mine.

Her shock was sweet, and her unfiltered expression and response were enough to pull me over the edge right after her. Overall, not my best performance, everything was too fast and too sloppy, but it might go down in history as the most important sex I’d ever had.

“I wasn’t expecting that.” I liked it when she was finally honest with me about everything.

“The sex or the orgasm?” Both were a bit of a surprise. We’d been friends and enemies. I never imagined we’d eventually become lovers.

“All of it, and you. It’s an endless surprise.” Her voice was soft and had a dreamy quality.

When we were young, the world was too small, too tight, and too confining.

When we got a bit older, it seemed too big, too vast, too scary.

Now, when we were together, everything felt like it was exactly the way it was supposed to be. It was a perfect fit. Not too big or too small. Not too hot or cold. Not too hard or too soft. Everything finally felt like it was just right.


I was still slightly dazed and a little loopy from the aftermath of all the pleasure and satisfaction that was still swirling through my blood. There was no room inside my body or my brain for the fear that usually immobilized me during a storm. Not when I was consumed by what it was like to be with Huck in an entirely new way.

While friends had previously been my favorite role to play, there was no denying that lovers had benefits I wasn’t familiar with before our steamy encounter. I honestly didn’t know sex could feel so good. I didn’t know it was powerful enough to sweep away all other emotions. I didn’t know it was going to let me see a different side of Huck and myself. We’d always been innocently honest with each other as kids, but there was something even more truthful and open about being naked and joined together. It felt like it would be impossible to hide anything from him anymore, and I hoped after today, it would be easier to read him. Staring into his gold-tinted eyes as his body moved with mine, it was the first time in forever that I felt like I was seeing the real him, the Huck without all the barriers he’d built over the years to protect himself.

He was still very different than the little boy who’d been my everything, but I was starting to get used to the colder, harder version of him. And I realized I wanted him to know the real me. I was no longer the wide-eyed girl who blindly followed him. I was only partially the shell-shocked teenager making snap judgments out of guilt. Now, I was more of a young woman who was admittedly scared, but determined to take control of my own life. I just didn’t know how to do that. I was confused and lost, but instead of needing him to guide me like he had when we were younger, I wanted to be able to walk out of the fog that shrouded our past together—side by side. I wanted to be able to stand on my own next to him.

I wanted to dance in the rain, not run from it.

I was scrambling into my now-dry clothes, trying not to stare at Huck’s bare backside, and he did the same. Then, I heard the backdoor rattle open. I hurried into the rest of my clothes and yanked my damp hair into a messy ponytail when Mercer poked her head into the room. Her eyes got big and curious when they skimmed over me and landed on Huck, who Copyright 2016 - 2024