Golden Girl - Elin Hilderbrand Page 0,61

she’s away on a book tour and might be back at any moment.

Carson has been sleeping in Vivi’s room. She just moved in like it was her right, and when she’s not at work, she wears Vivi’s clothes. This is either a healthy way to grieve or a sign of mental illness.

Both Leo and Willa understand that Carson is a renegade. She acts out, demands attention, gets in nonstop trouble, makes questionable decisions, drinks, vapes, smokes weed, and was an expert at pushing every single one of their mother’s buttons. However…Carson is also cool, funny, and very, very pretty; people comment on it all the time. Leo’s friends always tell him how hot Carson is. Cruz had a wicked crush on her for years.

Leo can’t think about Cruz.

Carson isn’t in charge of anything following Vivi’s death except going back to work and keeping herself alive. Once the zucchini dip is gone and people have stopped dropping off lasagna and clam chowder, Leo wonders what they’re supposed to eat. What will they do for money? Who’s going to pay the mortgage?

That’s where Savannah comes in. She’s handling all the business stuff, figuring out Vivi’s finances, and dealing with the publication of the new book. She’s the administrator of the Vivian Howe Memorial Facebook page.

“Do you want to read the comments people have been posting?” she asks one morning when Carson and Leo happen to be in the kitchen foraging at the same time.

“No,” Leo says.

“No,” Carson says. “That sounds like Willa’s kind of thing.”

“Have either of you heard of a boyfriend your mom had in high school named Brett Caspian?”

“Negative,” Leo says.

“Mom didn’t have boyfriends in high school,” Carson says. “She was a total nerd.”

“That’s the story she always told me too,” Savannah says. “But this guy is insisting he dated her for most of their senior year and into the summer before she left for Duke. He says he has pictures.”

“Ask him to send the pictures,” Carson says. “Because I’ve never heard of any guy named Brett Kardashian.”

“Caspian,” Savannah says. “He wants to talk to someone about the new book.”

“Crackpot,” Carson says. “Dead-celebrity chaser. But ask for the pics.”

“I think I will,” Savannah says. “Your dad has never heard of him either. He said he was your mother’s first boyfriend, wink-wink, nudge-nudge.”

“Can we not talk about this anymore?” Leo says.

Savannah leaves envelopes filled with cash for them to divvy up.

Marissa takes some of the money and does a grocery-shop for the house. Leo is relieved. If he goes to the Stop and Shop, he might see Cruz working. He wants to ask Marissa if she saw Cruz when she went, but he doesn’t.

He can’t even say Cruz’s name out loud.

Leo eats a lot of toast with peanut butter. He gets takeout, but he has to avoid the Nickel, even though all he’s craving is a corned beef Reuben on marble rye with Joe’s homemade Thousand Island dressing. Leo knows that he’s avoiding the DeSantises but he’s surprised, even hurt, that neither Cruz nor Joe has swung by the house to check on him and that Joe hasn’t dropped off a platter of sandwiches even though he does this every time someone on this island so much as breaks a toe. Aren’t they worried about him? Don’t they care?

Willa and Rip have moved out to Smith’s Point, but Willa stops by every once in a while to check in. Rip is handling the police investigation because he’s used to logistics and following up in his job for the insurance company. He handled the claim for the Jeep Marissa totaled the night before Vivi died. She was so upset about Leo breaking up with her that she drove the Jeep right into the Bathtub out at Eel Point.

“How did you get home, then?” Leo had asked.

“I walked.”

This seemed very unlikely and Leo said so, then Marissa admitted that she’d hitched a ride with some rando coming down the Madaket Road. She couldn’t call anyone because her phone had been in the car. This explained why her calls stopped that night, and it also meant that Marissa hadn’t seen the photo from Peter Bridgeman.

Rip had Marissa’s Jeep towed and taken off-island. Marissa’s mother, Candace, not only replaced Marissa’s phone but bought Marissa a brand-new Jeep, an outlay of fifty grand, at least.

“Wasn’t your mom angry about the Jeep?” Leo asks. “You ruined it yourself.”


“So it seems like another parent might have made you deal with the consequences of your actions.”

Marissa shrugs. “I was Copyright 2016 - 2024