Going Under_ A Bill Roberts Thriller - Silas Payton Page 0,48

in Montreal last year for half the year, and was in Chicago before that. Last time he spent time in Toronto was two years ago. He has a track record of short stays."

"How did you get all this information?" Bill asked.

"Combination of the Internet and a few phone calls to contacts I have. I called in a few favours," she said.

"It's a Saturday," said Bill.

"These people have access to the databases remotely, and like I said, they owed me."

Evans piped up, "Does it seem odd to anyone, that in a profession where you would normally expect longer-term patient follow through, that this guy moves around so much?"

"His office did have the appearance of being rather temporary," Cathy said.

"It is odd, but I find something else interesting. The states and cities you mention are all along the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes," said Cliff.

"The shipping lanes," said Bill.

Cliff stood from the chair and pulled his notebook from his pocket. He started flipping through notes. A few pages back, a couple pages forward. He was getting frustrated. Then he lit up like he had the winning numbers for a lottery.

"Here it is!" he exclaimed. "I didn't think it was important when we were throwing our points on the board last night -- I actually glossed over it at the time, but Andrew Livingston was seeing a shrink. I can't be certain if it was a psychologist or a psychiatrist, and his wife didn't give me a name. But, she told me he was seeing someone for the stress at work."

The inspector was deep in thought, staring at the boards.

Could it be possible?

"Change in plans. Cliff you get a hold of Livingston's wife and find out everything you can about this person he was seeing...who, when it started, and how he got connected with his doctor. Evans, you try and reach Niccolo Coppola. I'm willing to believe he's in on the Italian connection to the Toronto Ports. Try and scare him with something. If one of you get a chance, I want someone to investigate where Livingston worked."

"So much for getting out of here," said Cliff.

"Cathy, can you call downstairs and have them get Mrs. Elliott into an interrogation room for me? Tell them I'm on my way and I'm in a hurry."

"No problem," she said. "I'll also try and dig up some more on our doctor friend. Oh, one thing before you go, Inspector. There were two messages for you. One from your brother-in law, Jim, who wants you to call him. The second was from the Chief. He said he wants you to go straight to his office the moment you get in -- no exceptions. He said he'll be waiting for you."


Why does he pick the middle of a homicide investigation to come down on me?

He stopped for a few seconds, thinking about his options. He started walking toward the elevator. "If the Chief calls, tell him I haven't made it in yet, and that you're unable to reach me."

He stopped and looked back at her, "If you need me, I'll be downstairs."

Chapter 50

Bill Roberts

Bill was in the elevator when his cell phone beeped.

Please don't let it be the Chief.

It was a text....from Bethany.

Bethany: Inspector Roberts??

He responded, Yes.

Bethany: Since mtg this AM, been thinking a lot. Can we meet to discuss?

What about? he texted back.

Bethany: About the call I made, and info Re: Louis

When and where?, he sent.

Bethany: How's the Sydenham Street Coffee Shop at 11?

Bill looked at his watch. It was eight-thirty. He responded, Okay. See you there.

He was surprised when her reply was, Come alone. I won't talk if there's anyone with you.

The elevator doors opened and he proceeded to the far end of the building where the interrogation rooms were.

If what I think is going on with Dr. Barry Nelson is correct, Bethany may be the ticket to catching him. Right now, she's my only connection, at least that isn't dead or, if my suspicions are correct, in jail.

Sarah Elliott wasn't in any of the rooms yet, so Bill went into one of the viewing rooms to wait. He sat down and regretted it instantly. His body was telling him it was long past his bedtime. With all that had happened over the last fifteen or so hours, he wasn't sure he'd be able to get up.

Remembering his last meeting with Mrs. Elliott, he reached up with his good hand and felt the wound on his head from the treadmill. He remembered laughing about it together.


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