Going Under_ A Bill Roberts Thriller - Silas Payton Page 0,12

have the patience for this anymore...I should have been done with her yesterday. This Goddamn nutcase is driving me crazy. What the hell is she saying...all I see is her mouth moving. "Blaw, Blaw...he doesn't love me...Blaw, Blaw."

Make it Stop!

He looks at her, smiles, and says, "I hear what you're saying, but you do feel better about your relationship, don't you?"

"He's so busy. He doesn't seem to notice me," she complained. "I don't even think he loves me. It's like I'm not there."

How many times do I have to hear this -- the damn whining. "He doesn't love me." Blaw, Blaw. Stop! He doesn't have any time for you because he's too busy messing with the wrong people. We'll see where that gets him. I know it's getting me another $100,000. Kind of glad he's an asshole. But with all your damn whining, I wish you were a target as well. Maybe I can propose you be included.

"Your confidence continues to strengthen, he will have to notice. You are a beautiful, smart, powerful woman."

With the self-confidence of a mouse, and, who can't stop whining about every possible thing in her life. Ahhhh!!

"We have noticed great improvement so far and I'm sure your boyfriend has seen it in you as well," he said.

He stopped speaking, leaned forward and touched her arm. She looked at him, but didn't say anything. "I know with the progress we are making, it's only a matter of time before he asks you to marry him."

She looked down, her eyes welling up, and asked, "Do you really think so?"

Fuck no! He'll be dead you idiot. Thanks to you -- well, you and me. And I'll be long gone. That's what he gets for poking in other people's business.

"I know so. I've helped many people just like you and with this same type of therapy. It always works out," he said.

Always works out for me. I'm the best in the business!

"It's getting late, we better get started with the therapy." He handed her a small glass containing his own special concoction of short acting sedatives, to aid in the effectiveness of the therapy. She drank it without question, as she had a number of times over the past two months. "Lie on the couch and I'll put on some gentle music again. You let your nerves settle. Relax, and we'll get started."

Relax -- before I mess with your brain.

Chapter 12

Detective Rick Evans

When Evans got the call from Cathy to ask around at Sarah's gym, he eagerly accepted the request. He knew exactly where it was. For years he had heard about it, but had never been inside. It was an exclusive gym and not the sort of place you find people of normal income.

He walked into the gym and was greeted, almost immediately, by a hostess who approached him and asked if she could help him. It looked immaculate, with high ceilings, and lighting and decor not typical of a gym. "I'm Detective Constable Rick Evans with the Toronto police. I'm here to ask a few questions about someone who has a membership here. Is there somewhere I could speak in private with the manager?"

She went into a small room behind the reception area, and came out with a fit looking, middle aged man. He held his hand out and said, "Detective, I'm Fred Williams. I'm the manager on duty tonight."

They shook hands.

"We can talk in the presentation room over this way," he said, pointing down a hall.

The detective was led into a room with posters of before-and-after shots of supposed members, the latter with amazingly chiseled bodies. For a minute he thought...

This is the gym where I want to work out.

Then he shook his head.

What am I thinking? This is total crap. These are models, and probably teenage models at that. The only way I'd look like them is if I had a time machine.

They sat and Evans began. "Mr. Williams, I understand Mrs. Sarah Elliott is a member here. I'm hoping you can tell me a bit about her."

The manager suddenly looked nervous. "Is she okay? Is she in any trouble?" he asked.

"Mr. Williams, I'd just like to get some help with a few questions. What can you tell me about her?"

"She's in here all the time. I'm sure most of the members know her, or know of her. She and two other women are training for an upcoming triathlon, so I'm sure they would know her best -- they train together almost daily." He thought

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