The Gods Themselves - Isaac Asimov Page 0,7

he seemed able to give them the air of a kind of intellectual repose. He still reddened quickly and the easily bruised nature of his self-esteem was a byword.

Hallam had undergone some quick briefing before Lamont’s entrance. He said, “You are Dr. Peter Lamont and you’ve done good work, I’m told, on para-theory. I recall your paper. On para-fusion, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, refresh my memory. Tell me about it. Informally, of course, as though you were talking to a layman. After all,” and he chuckled here, “in a way, I am a layman. I’m just a radiochemist, you know; and no great theoretician, unless you want to count a few concepts now and then.”

Lamont accepted this, at the time, as a straightforward statement, and, indeed, the speech may not have been as obscenely condescending as he later insisted on remembering it to have been. It was typical, though, as Lamont later found out, or at least maintained, of Hallam’s method of grasping the essentials of the work done by others. He could talk briskly about the subject thereafter without being overparticular, or particular at all, in assigning credit.

But the younger Lamont of the time was rather flattered, and he began at once with that voluble eagerness one experiences in explaining one’s own discoveries. “I can’t say I did much, Dr. Hallam. Deducing the laws of nature of the para-Universe—the para-laws—is a tricky business. We have so little to go on. I started from what little we know and assumed no new departures that we had no evidence for. With a stronger nuclear interaction, it seems obvious that the fusion of small nuclei would take place more readily.”

“Para-fusion,” said Hallam.

“Yes, sir. The trick was simply to work out what the details might be. The mathematics involved was somewhat subtle but once a few transformations were made, the difficulties tended to melt away. It turns out, for instance, that lithium hydride can be made to undergo catastrophic fusion at temperatures four orders of magnitude lower there than here. It takes fission-bomb temperatures to explode lithium hydride here, but a mere dynamite charge, so to speak, would turn the trick in the para-Universe. Just possibly lithium hydride in the para-Universe could be ignited with a match, but that’s not very likely. We’ve offered them lithium hydride, you know, since fusion power might be natural for them, but they won’t touch it.”

“Yes, I know that.”

“It would clearly be too risky for them; like using nitroglycerine in ton-lots in rocket engines—only worse.”

“Very good. And you are also writing a history of the Pump.”

“An informal one, sir. When the manuscript is ready I will ask you to read it, if I may, so that I might have the benefit of your intimate knowledge of events. In fact, I would like to take advantage of some of that knowledge right now if you have a little time.”

“I can make some. What is it you want to know?” Hallam was smiling. It was the last time he ever smiled in Lamont’s presence.

“The development of an effective and practical Pump, Professor Hallam, took place with extraordinary speed,” began Lamont. “Once the Pump Project—”

“The Inter-Universe Electron Pump Project,” corrected Hallam, still smiling.

“Yes, of course,” said Lamont, clearing his throat. “I was merely using the popular name. Once the project started, the engineering details were developed with great rapidity and with little waste motion.”

“That is true,” said Hallam, with a touch of complacence. “People have tried to tell me that the credit was mine for vigorous and imaginative direction, but I wouldn’t care to have you overstress that in your book. The fact is that we had an enormous fund of talent in the project, and I wouldn’t want the brilliance of individual members to be dimmed by any exaggeration of my role.”

Lamont shook his head with a little annoyance. He found the remark irrelevant. He said, “I don’t mean that at all. I mean the intelligence at the other end—the para-men, to use the popular phrase. They started it. We discovered them after the first transfer of plutonium for tungsten; but they discovered us first in order to make the transfer, working on pure theory without the benefit of the hint they gave us. And there’s the iron-foil they sent across—”

Hallam’s smile had now disappeared, and permanently. He was frowning and he said loudly, “The symbols were never understood. Nothing about them—”

“The geometric figures were understood, sir. I’ve looked into it and it’s quite clear that they were directing the Copyright 2016 - 2024