Gods of Blood and Fire - A. J. Strickler Page 0,132

tell them that if this didn’t work they would have the children a lot longer than just a day.

Rhys started out that morning on the north side of town where he had practiced his medicine. The healer began gathering as many people as he could. It had went well. Rhys was very respected and most of the people he talked to owed him for helping them when someone in their family had been sick or injured. K’xarr had been right about Rhys, he was charismatic and well spoken, the people of Turill would listen to him. It also didn’t hurt most of the city was unhappy with the King’s new taxes. Within a couple of hours, a large crowd had gathered to listen to the healer.

By noon they had acquired enough horses and people to start out for the palace. Only the citizens of Turill and Kian were on foot, the rest of them were on horseback. Endra had found Kian a leather vest and a pair of riding boots from somewhere. It made him look a little less wild fully dressed. His golden eyes darted back and forth. K’xarr didn’t think he would miss any threat that might approach them.

The Princess had issues with her attire, she complained that she was not wearing the right clothing for riding and needed at least a day to prepare for the procession. Raygan told them there was no way she was going to ride through the city after spending the night in a barn. She was relentless about it. K’xarr had held his temper as long as he could. In the end he finally had told her to shut up and do as she was told. Of course, that had set her off with threats and a lecture on how to speak to royalty.

He had laughed at her fit and that had not gone over very well either. K’xarr had told her it was her and not what she was wearing that would win over the crowd. She seemed to take that as a compliment and let the matter drop.

K’xarr was glad he didn’t have to deal with the Princess every day. She was a beauty to look at, but ugly to listen to. Maybe that would change when this was over, but he had little hope of it. The warrior tried to remember she was little more than a girl, and if they were successful the weight of a Kingdom at war would descend onto her shoulders. It was just hard to have much sympathy for her when she opened her mouth.

K’xarr was also a little worried about Vandarus and Rufio being wounded, but both men swore they could handle the ride. He was proud of them both. They were men of courage and the longer he travelled with them the more he realized how much he could count on them. Trust is a rare thing among mercenaries, but Vandarus and Rufio had earned his.

Within minutes of starting out, their small group was surrounded by a cheering mob of well over a hundred people, and every street they passed added more to the Princess’s swarm of well-wishers. They chanted and yelled for their Princess. They really loved the young woman. K’xarr couldn’t figure out why but they did. Ansellus told him she was popular with the commoners but K’xarr had been unprepared for the reception the city gave her.

He had to give it to Princess Raygan. She played the part well, waving and smiling to the crowd, touching the hands of those that reached out for her. As he observed her with her people, it occurred to him that she might not be playing a part. She really seemed to care about her subjects. It surprised K’xarr because she was such a little harpy most of the time.

They had encountered a few of the city watch, yet none had offered to even approach the Princess. It was either fear of the people or of the man that walked in front of the Princess’s horse that held them back.

Kian stalked through the crowd with his sword unsheathed and held low. If he was nervous or afraid, he didn’t show it. His expression was severe. With his black hair hanging down in his eyes, he looked completely untamed.

K’xarr knew Kian was playing no part and the fear and unease that they all felt seemed to have no hold on him. He knew the Half Elf that he met in Thieves Port was gone.


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