Gods of Blood and Fire - A. J. Strickler Page 0,130

out, as much as I hate to admit it he’s a fine commander. If Cain loses and the Abberdonians attack Turill someone will have to hold on here while I gather the Princess her army.”

“I guess that someone would be us?” K’xarr said. “Listen, general, you said there is an army of ten thousand camped just a few miles from the city and I have the people you see inside this barn. How can I hold on with that? As of right now we don’t even have anything to hold.”

“You right, the palace must be first. The men that Blackthorn has are still Bandarans, if we are rid of the duke then I feel I could sway the men of Braxton Bluff to our cause. I know many of them from the past. If they know the Queen is the true heir, I feel sure they will join us,” Ansellus said.”

K’xarr shook his head. “It seems like a remote possibility that we can even secure the palace, there is the city watch and the Princess said there were several of the Royal Guard still inside the palace. That’s just the start of things what about her brother’s army and let’s not forget the Abberdonians?”

Ansellus folded his arms. “One thing at a time. First we take the palace.” K’xarr took a deep breath. “Look, general, I’m not a patient man and I understand this will take time, but we have nothing to start with but an old general and a young girl and a handful of mercenaries, how can we snatch a Kingdom with that?”

Raygan put her hand on Ansellus’s arm and stepped forward. “I know we didn’t get off to a very good start, K’xarr, but I hope you will help us and if God sees fit to let me ever come to power in Bandara, I will reward everyone who helped me very handsomely.”

K’xarr looked at Cromwell, the big man just shrugged. “Okay, I will try to help come up with a plan, but know this: I’m not going to sacrifice my men for nothing and I don’t fight for lost causes.”

The Princess covered her mouth and seemed to shake off a chill. “I agreed to your terms, K’xarr.” Then she threw up all over the stable floor. “Oh, I am so sorry. I don’t…” Ansellus grabbed her as she fainted.

She came to just as the sun was rising over the city. She lay in a pile of hay in a horse stall, Rhys sitting beside her. “What happened?”

The healer wiped the sweat from her brow with a wet cloth. “You just fainted, Highness, you are going to be fine.”

“I’m not sick, am I?” Rhys slowly shook his head. “No, Highness, you’re with child.”


Delmar Hide had become commander of the city watch when King Cain took the throne. Everyone had praised him and told him how wonderful a job he would do keeping the city safe. He had proved them right, until last night. Now he waited in the throne room to face Duke Blackthorn’s wrath.

Captain Hightower was the only other person in the huge room. Delmar thought that the captain of the Royal Guard must have been summoned as well; at least he hoped that was why the captain was there.

The door slammed open from the King’s private study behind the throne. Duke Blackthorn came out with Delmar’s report in his hand. “Commander, I want to know why you didn’t bring the Princess back here after I told you where she could be found.”

Delmar’s eyes grew large, he had never seen anyone that furious before. “You were right, Your Grace, we found her at the healers, but she had help. Warriors were inside this Rhys Morgan’s home. She escaped from us, but my men are still looking. I won’t rest until she’s found. You have my word on that, Your Grace.”

“You lost twenty-three men last night and several more are still missing, how did that happen, did she have a company of Asconan Knights with her?”

“No, my lord, just a handful of fighters, but the men said one was some kind of demon.”

The duke wadded up the report and threw it at Delmar, hitting him right on the nose. “You are going to tell me that your excuse for losing the Princess is that your men were attack by a demon?”

“No, my lord, that’s just what some of the men reported.”

“Get out of my sight, Commander.” Delmar turned on his heel and left the throne room.

“Captain, how many

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