Goddess of Pain - Katie May Page 0,87

I promise you this is going to work. Your illusion was absolutely perfect.”

“I just don’t understand. Doesn’t she gain more power from being in pain?” the girl—Mandy—inquires.

It’s only then that my awareness begins to trickle back to me. First, it’s slow, like water rushing from a faucet. And then, it consumes me like a waterfall.

“What the fuck is happening?” I demand, thrashing. My eyes flicker to the empty bed, and Athena’s words from before plays on repeat.


It was nothing but an illusion.

But why?

What does Athena have to gain from making me feel emotional pain? She, more than anyone, knows that my powers only increase when I feel any type of pain, emotional or physical.

Athena smiles slowly, gracefully gliding forward with the gemstone extended. She rests it against my forehead, only exacerbating my confusion.

“You’re powerful, Emily,” she whispers as her free hand travels to my cheek, cupping it gently. I attempt to twist away from her, but she only tightens her grip, forcing me to maintain eye contact. “Almost too powerful. And I can’t have that.”

“Fuck off, you jealous bitch,” I seethe.

“But there’s a way to change that,” she continues, her hand tightening on my cheek to the point of pain. I allow it to flow through me, replenishing my power reserve, as blood drips down my cheeks from her fingernails. “You have Tate.” For a brief moment, pure anguish reflects in her gaze before she quickly smooths over her expression. “You have all of them. And I have…no one.”

“So you’re fucking jealous of my boyfriends?” I demand, irritation lacing my voice.

Abruptly, she wrenches her hand away, and the pain from her nails diminishes as if it had never been there in the first place. Fuck. I need that pain. I need it.

Resisting the urge to growl, I begin to twist my wrists in the tight confines. Each tug causes the ropes to scratch at my skin, eliciting tiny stabs of pain. But I need more if I’m going to escape.

How did I not realize this was a trap?

“So who are you?” I query, turning towards the Mandy chick. I’m hoping that if I stall for time, I’ll be able to come up with a way to escape this mess.

Mandy pushes out her chest and fluffs her sleek hair. “Mandy. Goddess of Manipulation.”

Yup. Never heard of her in my life.

“Athena needed my help,” she huffs when I don’t outwardly respond. “She said that I’ll have unimaginable power—”

“Shut up, Mandy,” Athena interrupts, casting her ‘friend’ a side-eyed glare.

Mandy forges on, oblivious to the ire spewing from the Goddess of Virtue’s eyes. “All I had to do was make you feel the worst kind of emotional pain so we could subdue you. But when my first attempt didn’t work, I created an illusion.” She sighs wistfully, sliding her hand along the bed almost as if she wishes it to be real.

“And what the fuck are you going to do?” I demand, not at all concerned. By now, my guys will be looking for me. I’d say that Athena and Mandy have only a few more minutes…give or take.

“We’re going to take away your ability to feel pain,” Athena says bluntly, and my insides turn cold.

“What?” I ask as the first drizzle of unease slides down the nape of my neck like an icy rain. I switch my gaze from a grinning Mandy to a smug Athena. “Are you joking?”

Without my ability to feel pain…

I’ll be virtually powerless. I need pain. To heal. To fight. Without it, I’ll be…nothing.

“I had my friend—the God of Minerals—find this special rock for me,” Athena drawls, flashing me a saccharine sweet smile. “It’s actually supposed to help most gods and goddesses. It’s designed to take away your ability to feel pain. Permanently.”

The gemstone suddenly feels like ice against my forehead, and I know I’m panting. My eyes flicker wildly from woman to woman, hoping one of them will see reason.

“If you do this, my men won’t hesitate to kill you,” I attempt to reason, but Athena merely laughs.

“But by then, I’ll be more powerful than your teeny, tiny brain can even begin to comprehend.” Her fingers on her free hand scrub at the indent between my eyebrows, almost as if she’s attempting to rub the crease away. “Because this stone will store all of your pain.” Her smile radiates pure evil. “All of your power. And the moment I consume it, I’ll be unstoppable.”

“You mean we’ll be unstoppable,” Mandy pipes in, face creasing with irritation.

“Don’t be stupid.” I

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