Goddess of Pain - Katie May Page 0,71

Helio Merrit, the God of Karma. To the others, I remind, “We’re not engaging with Rebecca at this time. I just want to make sure that it’s actually her before we plan anything.”

Before I destroy my brothers’ lives by killing the woman they love.

Before I make them hate me forever.

“Aye, aye, captain!” Sin, instead of a salute, uses his pointer and middle finger to make a sideways V. He then brings them to his mouth and begins to swirl his tongue around in a decidedly vulgar…and oddly erotic…gesture. My mind flashes to his tongue licking every inch of my body, and there’s no stopping the heat that unfurls in my stomach.

Soon, I whisper firmly, but I don’t know if I’m telling myself that…or mentally relaying that information to Sin. Something must appear in my eyes, for his own sharpen and heat exponentially. He drops his hand, but his tongue continues to fuck the air.

Today, he’s wearing his customary black suit with the cuffs rolled up. His blond, wavy hair is parted down the middle, giving him a disheveled look, despite the form-fitting suit. His facial hair has been neatly trimmed, framing pillowy lips that I know taste like sin itself—a fitting namesake.

The only guy that’s missing is Tate, much to his disgruntlement. Instead, we sent him to the police station to look up everything he could on the dead assassin from the warehouse and Rebecca Moon. I promised to text him with updates, and though he acted like he didn’t give a shit either way, I could see the relief in his eyes that he wouldn’t be kept in the dark.

Of course, that relief transformed into lust when he fucked me in the back of his police cruiser.

Ten out of ten would recommend getting a cop boyfriend.

“Let’s do this thing,” I whisper, squaring my shoulders.

As Desmond predicted, the bouncers let us straight in with subservient head nods. I have no idea what my guys did to instill the fear of God—pun intended—in them, but I have to say that it came in handy.

The interior of Crystals is a direct contrast to the rundown exterior. Strobe lights illuminate the throng of writhing bodies, each person dressed in a similar fashion to me and my guys. I spot numerous neon green shirts, face-paint, and stark white tennis shoes. The music blares an unfamiliar pop song as alcohol and cocaine are passed freely around. Not even four feet away from me, I spot a group of men snorting coke as scantily-clad women sit on their laps.

“I want to dance!” Sin screams immediately, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the dance floor. I turn desperately towards my other three men, and they all nod in understanding.

They’ll look for Rebecca while I dance with Sin.

The dance floor is congregated with sweaty bodies, each one grinding against one another. I don’t think that anyone could consider what’s happening here dancing. It’s too…erotic for that. Too untamed.

Arsin wastes no time placing his hands on my waist as he sways to the music. He’s no doubt suffocating under the glaring lights in his dark suit, but it’s so fucking worth it. Because Sin? He looks sexy as fuck right now.

I move my hips in tandem to his, swaying side by side as he holds me. Leaning closer, so his words can be heard over the music, he says, “You’re so fucking glorious, Emily.”

Smiling slightly, I twist in his arms, until my ass is flush against his already hard cock. Even through my skimpy neon pink dress and his dress pants, I can feel how hard he is for me. How ready. If we weren’t in a sea of humans, I would have him pull up my dress, rip off my panties, and fuck me senseless. My body is craving his in a way that defies logic. It’s almost a painful need, as if I might combust if I don’t get his cock inside of me soon.

Sin abruptly slices a look at a guy who begins dancing in front of me, attempting to grind against me. I have no doubt that Sin will find him later tonight and…well…my God of Flames isn’t known for his leniency any more than Avery is.

Hoping to appease his beast, I spin once more in his arms and tug at his shaggy blond hair, pulling his face down towards me. His eyes gleam in the strobe lighting in a way that would terrify most people. But not me. Never me.

“I’m not sharing you

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