Goddess of Pain - Katie May Page 0,69

artist would stare at the sunset, as if they’re itching to paint me and sign their initials at the bottom to claim the finished piece.

Maintaining eye contact, he slowly brings his lips to mine, the touch almost teasing as his tongue licks first my upper lip and then my bottom lip. Behind me, Avery’s finger finally breaches that tight ring of muscles.

My hands trace the light stubble on Desmond’s cheeks as I hook a leg around his waist, and he lifts me into his arms. This position puts his cock directly against my needy core. Slowly, carefully, I penetrate myself on his thick dick, the scalding press of Avery’s body from behind causing my muscles to tremble.

“You’re beautiful, baby. So beautiful. So perfect. Fuck, your pussy feels fantastic. I’m sure your ass will feel just as perfect,” Desmond praises, and his dirty talk causes a blush to stain my cheeks.

Avery uses his lubed fingers to tease me from behind as I sit on Desmond’s lap, feeling impossibly full. My vision flickers with golden splotches, almost like fireworks, as Avery’s fingers are replaced with the tip of his cock.

Is it possible to die from an orgasm? If the answer’s yes, then that is how I went to go—surrounded by the men I love and perfectly sated.

I dig my fingers into Desmond’s disheveled brown hair as inch by inch, Avery breaches the muscles of my ass. I know that there’s only a very thin wall of flesh separating them, that they can no doubt feel each other’s cocks, but that thought only adds to the intensity of the moment. I feel so incredibly full, causing me to cry out from the sensation.

Desmond begins to knead my breasts as Avery snakes his arms just under my chest and rests them on Desmond’s sweat-soaked chest. My God of Combat kisses me with every ounce of feeling he can muster. Every word he’s never said is screamed at me through that one, eloquent clash of lips and tongues.

My men move in and out of me, finding a rhythm as easy as breathing. After all, this isn’t our first rodeo, though it feels like it. It feels…new. New and exciting.

It’s a frenzy of movement as their cocks slide in and out of my tight holes. I can feel another orgasm rapidly approaching, and I don’t hesitate to give myself over to it. Desmond comes next, his huge cock twitching inside of me before he spills his seed across my pussy lips. Avery holds out a moment longer—but only a second—as he stirs my pleasure to new heights, pounding into my ass with reckless abandon. He releases a roar, his teeth biting down on my shoulder, directly where the bullet pierced my skin, as he comes as well.

For a long moment, nobody moves. Both of their cocks are still inside of me, and the sheer rightness of this moment, the overwhelming perfection of it, brings tears to my eyes.

“I love you both,” I whisper as their cocks begin to twitch inside of me.

“I love you too,” Desmond answers immediately.

“I love you more,” Avery quips, and the two men glare at each other over my head. And then he adds, “Switch?”

I can’t help but laugh, my body tired, sweaty, and so unbelievably sated. Still, I can feel the tendrils of pleasure returning with a vengeance as they pull their half-erect cocks out of me and casually flip me around.

“We’re going to go again?” I ask in disbelief as Avery lines up with my pussy and Desmond begins lubing his cock.

“We’re going to go all fucking evening, until you forget your own name,” Avery responds with a smile.

And they’re right—we do go all evening.

And I do forget my name.

Chapter 23

Crystals is a club located in a ritzy part of town, where a majority of the buildings have a dilapidated feel to them and the cops don’t dare venture out. It’s a single-story, silver building with black-out windows and a line that curls around the side and into the parking lot. The desolate nature of it reminds me of a carcass that’s been eaten away by maggots and vultures.

Today, everyone is bedecked in bright neon clothes and face-paint, glow stick bracelets adorning their wrists. Some shady-looking guy with a goatee and a stained white t-shirt sells them on the street corner for ten dollars a strand.

“Do you remember that one party we went to in high school?” Avery moves to stand beside me, and I take a moment to admire

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