Goddess of Pain - Katie May Page 0,102

be a beautiful young woman…a fact that is already giving her dads aneurysms.

“Your uncles are expecting us in,” I glance at the watch on my wrist, “twenty minutes. Move! Move! Move!” I playfully herd my oldest daughter towards the coat rack where she slips on her tennis shoes and grabs her light winter jacket.

It was a surprisingly easy decision to remain on Earth instead of returning to the Realm of the Gods. According to our sources, my kingdom was flourishing with no monarchy to rule it. They actually adopted a democracy where a member of each ‘family’ could cast a vote. And honestly? I was relieved. I love my life here on Earth too much to ever give it up.

From what we gathered, there have been no ill side-effects of the men giving me pieces of their life forces. Well, except for the teeny tiny little fact that we’re now able to have biological children that encompass characteristics and powers of all of us.

Rebecca suspects that it’s because they offered a piece of themselves, a piece of their very genetic makeup, which now makes reproduction possible. We’re quite literally made for each other, our souls aligned in perfect synchronization. Of course, that’s all speculation, but we have plans to talk to the God of Knowledge as soon as possible.

We also have no idea how the aging process will work for our children, but Rebecca thinks that they’ll grow to adulthood before their immortality sets in. My poor, poor kids. Having to deal with their overprotective fathers until the end of time. I don’t envy them.

“I’m so excited!” Gemma gushes now, clapping her tiny hands together.

Henry called me the day before and told me that the adoption was finalized for their third child, a little boy named Rand. I’m happy that Rebecca’s relationship with my brothers has worked out. And though I know she’s upset that she’ll never be able to have children of her own, they’ve more than made up for it by fostering and adopting all the kids they can.

My heart aches for my best friend. Despite everything, she’s still immortal, though her time on the Earthen realm is steadily changing her. Maybe, with enough time, she’ll be able to grow old with her husbands and kids, but I’m not holding on to much hope. Either way, I’ll support her until the bitter end…even if that means holding her hand while she attends her own child’s funeral.

My brothers have been surprisingly okay with the realization that we were, in fact, gods and goddesses. Maybe ‘okay’ is too…tame of a term, but they only freaked out for a few months, Henry even less than that.

When he emerged from the hospital in his wheelchair, he took one look at me and asked, “What are you?”

So I answered, and our relationship has been flourishing ever since.

Colton and Ray were an entirely different story. Colton was pissed at Rebecca for keeping it a secret, and Ray felt betrayed. Both of them were immensely confused when it came to me and our relationship. We weren’t technically siblings, but we had hoards of memories, thanks to Mandy and Athena. I’m just grateful that they came around, both for my sake and Beck’s.

“Did you brush your teeth?” I ask Gemma, placing my hands on my hips. Her face turns an adorable shade of scarlet as she scrambles to her feet and hurries towards the bathroom without a word.

“You heading out?” Avery asks just as he enters the room. He looks the exact same as he did five years ago, only his golden hair is slightly longer and styled in an immaculate faux-hawk. Today, he wears a short sleeve white shirt that clings to his muscular chest and loose basketball shorts. Blood speckles his cheeks and the collar of his shirt.

“You have a little something…” I lick my thumb and brush away the dried, flaky blood. Avery blushes delicately as his eyes zero in on my lips.

“Sorry. This one was a runner.” He smiles charmingly, and I can’t help but smile back. Because yeah, I totally married a serial killer. But what would you expect from the God of Death? He literally needs death to survive. Fortunately for the world at large, Avery only goes after other serial killers and rapists. And the occasional terrorist.

As if unable to help himself, Avery presses his lips to mine in a tender, reverent kiss that sparks heat in my core. If his cock brushing against my stomach is any indication,

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