Go Away, Darling - Alexis Anne Page 0,67

long enough to keep tucked inside my shirt. After all this time I hated to keep yet another secret, but since it didn’t technically change anything, I didn’t mind.

At the game that night we sat in the crowd as Chris Kaine’s personal cheering section. As much fun as I had on the field last season, this was just as exciting. It was completely different to experience the game as it was happening, and something else entirely to sit in the crowd with your heart in your throat, cheering on someone you love.

We sat a few rows away from some of the other wives and girlfriends. They all waved at us and welcomed us to the club. No one else had kids but over the summer so far Linc took that as an opportunity to be special. Whenever someone had an extra souvenir, treat, or soda, it always went to Linc.

Chris strode out onto the field so sure of himself. He searched the crowd, smiling when he found us waving at him. Then he shot me a wink.

I felt like a teenager with a crush on a famous baseball player. Except my crush was real...and it was returned.

“Cotton candy?” Carrie, Wes’s wife, stood beside us with a big blue ball of cotton candy in her hands.

They all seriously spoiled my kid (and I loved it.) “Sure.” I took the cone from her but before I passed it to Linc, I took a handful for myself.

“Hey!” Linc protested, hungrily grabbing the rest from me.

“Hey what? It’s the mom tax.”

Carrie shrugged. “Sorry. Even adults enjoy treats.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“Why not?” Carrie asked, sitting in the empty seat in front of me and turning sideways so we could talk. There were a handful of empty seats in the part of the stands where we managed to get tickets. “It’s fun and I enjoy it.”

“Yeah, mom. It’s fun and she enjoys it.” He said all this with a blue mouth.

I ruffled his hair. “Say thank you.”

“Thank you Dr. Carrie!”

“You’re welcome.” Then she smiled back at me. “Our men are quite the team.” Chris threw, Wes caught. And together they seemed to be psychically linked. Last year they were the talk of the championship and while we weren’t quite to playoff season, the chatter was already heating up again.

“I guess we’re stuck with each other, then.” I really liked Carrie. She was the team’s orthopedic surgeon, so if Chris hurt his arm it was her hands who would fix him.

She smiled, then turned back to the field to watch Wes smack a double into the hole in the outfield. “We’ve all expected you two to get together at some point. We’re really happy for you three. Did you get our gifts?”

“We did. Thank you so much. You really didn’t have to do that.”

She shrugged. “The Mantas are a family. Welcome.”

She sat with us through the rest of the inning, and then we all went out for dinner once the guys were showered and cleaned up.

“So Chris’s beach house is available for vacations?” Zoe, Erik’s fiancée asked. “Because I’m always looking for vacations and writing retreats.” Zoe was a pretty famous writer. Wes, Mr. Instagram, was even on some of her covers.

“Yeah,” Chris chuckled. “The house is available for a select few cool people.”

Zoe leaned closer and whispered. “Am I cool? Because I can pull strings and get Linc’s favorite author to say hi or send an autographed copy.”

“Oh, you’re very cool then,” I said, answering for Chris. “When would you like to reserve?”

Chris rubbed his thumb over my knee. The gesture was so naturally intimate and it set off a round of butterflies in my belly. “Maybe after the season’s over. Right now my brothers are occupying half the house.”

“Oh, how’s that going by the way?” Erik asked, his arm slung comfortably around Zoe.

“Ben will be moving out in a few weeks. London’s house is almost done. And Scott is anyone’s guess.”

Then Erik’s gaze drifted my way. “And Berlin? How is she? Still with this Ryker guy?”

“Yeah. She’s gone as opposite of Jack as humanly possible.”

He grimaced. “I don’t blame her. He was such a jerk.”

“I told her you said that. She also said if you two were ever on the island at the same time she’d like to see you. She misses you.”

“It’s hard to go from having someone in your life for over a decade and then suddenly they’re gone. I get it though. I probably bring up some bad memories.”

I tried

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