Go Away, Darling - Alexis Anne Page 0,24

war had been ongoing ever since.

“You’ll pay for that!”

He just laughed as he skipped back toward his room. “I look forward to it little brother. For now I’m going back to bed. Have fun on your date.”

Liv should always be in charge of our dates. At first I was worried, but she assured me she accounted for my schedule. Therefore I followed her blindly into the best first date of my life.

“We have fifteen minutes left,” she said, glancing at her watch. We had a picnic laid out on her boat and were anchored just off a little spit of sandbar. Our docks were still visible, but tiny from here.

She wore another bright bikini—electric green this time—with a blue Columbia shirt open at the front and a Mantas ball cap on her head. In short, she was the most beautiful woman who ever lived. Between her athletic body and her propensity for bikinis and boats, I couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect woman.

I was smitten. Entranced. Obsessed. This level of worship wasn’t healthy and therefore I knew I was incapable of making logical decisions. I was thankful for my schedule, otherwise I might throw my life away to spend every minute with Olivia.

“Do you want more mango?” She tilted the Tupperware my way. The whole spread was delicious. Lots of fruits, plus sandwiches from the island deli, salt and vinegar chips, and seltzer’s all around.

I grabbed a large slice of the fruit. “I’m good now. Thanks.”

She sealed up the container and packed everything away except the blanket we sat on.

I scooted closer. “Thanks for doing all this.”

“It was my turn. You made dinner.”

I was wrong when I said it was satisfying to catch one’s own dinner. True satisfaction (food wise) was catching and preparing dinner for a woman. “I believe I made a promise when I left you last.” I maneuvered until we were nose to nose. “Something about kissing.”

“Mmmm.” She appeared thoughtful. “Doesn’t sound familiar.”

“No?” I teased back. This was fun.


“Then why didn’t you bring Linc? He’s my friend too.”

Her eyes flashed with mischief. “Oh you know. Just wanted some me time.”

“Then why am I here?” I tilted my head off to the side. I could feel her lips even though we weren’t touching.

“You’re pretty to look at.”

Unlike the other night she wasn’t going to kiss me. And I didn’t want her to. This was my kiss to take and I spent a lot of time imagining how it would go. “Is that all? I’m just here for your visual pleasure?”

“Mmmm. I appreciate your lack of shirt very much.”

“I feel used.” Our lips remained not quite touching and it was the sexiest fucking torture I’d ever experienced.

“Do you have anything else to offer? Other than visual pleasure?”

I couldn’t take not touching any longer, so I reached up and traced my finger over the shell of her ear. She took a deep shuddering breath as I wrapped my hand around her jaw and neck. “I can offer this.” And then I finally—finally—pressed my lips to hers.

I took it slow. Painfully slow. Partially because I wanted to savor the experience, but mostly because going any faster was impossible. She was too soft. Too sweet to taste. The hair on my arm and my scalp all pricked. Somehow our lips touching set off every sense I had. My skin felt more, my ears heard the water, the wind, and Liv’s soft pants.

My body wanted more. A lot more. But if the porch taught me anything, going even just a little bit faster, deeper longer, would result in uncontrolled fire. A fire I almost couldn’t put out when I got home. And I was not about to repeat the pain of that experience with an hour long drive and a baseball game ahead of me. Plus it wouldn’t be fair to Olivia.

I wanted more. And I wanted it right.

So we slow kissed on the deck of her boat for the full fifteen minutes. And when I pulled away it still hurt, but it was the kind of hurt that made me look forward to getting my ass back here as soon as possible.

“You need to be careful,” Liv murmured as she brushed her lips over mine one last time.

“Why is that?”

Only her eyes moved up to meet mine as she smiled. “Your kisses are deadly.”


The names might be offensive but the food is delicious


Scott was back a week later and a little less moody, so I asked him to come run errands

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