GLASS_ A Standalone Novel - Arianne Richmonde Page 0,77

that he could hear everything I was saying.

“Hey, gorgeous.” I leaned down and kissed him, resting my head on the planes of his face, breathing in the Daniel scent that even the nurse, the medications, and the hospital surroundings hadn’t managed to erase. “I love you,” I whispered into his ear. “I know you can hear me, I know you’re going to get better. You’re just taking a nap, which is fine, but you know, I’m ready for you to wake up now. We all are. We have a movie to make, after all.”

I began to gently massage his shoulders—something the nurse told me was very important so the muscles didn’t atrophy. I nuzzled my nose into his neck while I did so, kneaded his biceps, his forearms—the muscles like taut ropes—remembering so clearly what it was like to have those arms wrapped tightly around my body. But I refused to cry. Refused to give in. He will get better! He has to!

I went to the bathroom adjoining his room, peed, washed my hands, and when I came back into the room, I swear he opened an eye.

“What’s that squeaking sound?” Daniel mumbled. He was alive and talking! He’d heard my sneakers squeaking on the polished floor.

I raced to his bedside, my heart thundering through my chest and out the other side. I leaned over him, too scared to touch his face for fear of hurting him.

He opened the other eye. “Wow, who do we have here?”

Tears misted my vision. Tears of gratitude. The doctors had told me that, so far, there was no sign of brain damage, but this I hadn’t imagined! Daniel talking normally! I leaned over him and laid my lips on his, breathed him in, and planted a sweet kiss there.

“Beautiful angel,” he whispered, “am I hallucinating? Kiss me, kiss me and show me you’re real.”

I started tentatively, little kisses all over his jaw, his chin, the edges of his sculpted mouth, but he caught my lip between his teeth and groaned. He could hardly move, though, and was very much the invalid. I cupped his head gently in my hands, terrified of pressing too hard, but steadied him as I deepened the kiss, my tongue meeting his, and they tangled together in relief, in ecstasy, our tastes mingling into one. I moaned into him.

I murmured, “Daniel, I need to get the nurse. Need to let them know you’ve woken up.”

But he interrupted my better sense of judgment. “Don’t you dare, I want to savor this moment with you, and you alone.” His tongue found mine again, his kiss laced with lust.

“Good,” he growled, “I can feel it’s all working down there.”

“What is?”

“Pull the sheet off and see for yourself.”

My gaze wandered to the middle of his body. The sheet was tented. Contrary to what the medics said could happen—that Daniel would lose his libido—his erection was alive and well! A huge grin spread across my face. I peeled the sheet back and there it was: that beautiful part of Daniel’s anatomy that still had me having wet dreams every night. I gasped. Even my dreams had betrayed me: Daniel’s cock was more glorious than any fantasy. Smooth. Huge. His wide crest throbbing with anticipation.

“Lick it, suck it, fuck my cock with your mouth.”

Ever the dirty talk. That hadn’t changed. “Am I allowed to do this?” I said. “Isn’t it . . . I don’t know . . . dangerous in some way? Shouldn’t I let them know you’ve come out of your coma?”

“Don’t be disobedient, just wrap your lips around my cock.”

Did he even recognize me? He didn’t call me by name. But his sexy voice, and seeing him all in one piece, flooded my body with a nervous thrill. If I was a stranger to him, never mind, he still wanted me. My nipples peaked, my panties suddenly sticky with that familiar rush of liquid heat pooling between my legs. I looked around the room and perked up my ears like a dog. Silence, the coast was clear—nurses were on their coffee breaks.

“Do as I say,” he growled.

I laid the sheet aside to give myself full view of the totality of Daniel’s beauty. His cock rose up to his navel, sprinkled with a line of fine hair that skittered up to his wide chest. His nipples were flat and hard, his pectorals defined but not bulky, his golden skin stretched taut—not an inch of fat anywhere.

“Suck it, make me come in your sexy mouth,” Copyright 2016 - 2024