GLASS_ A Standalone Novel - Arianne Richmonde Page 0,20

my late wife,” he said quietly but not taking his hand away. He was still rubbing me slowly there . . . gently. The tease was driving me crazy. “It’s not fair to you; I’d break your heart. I only fuck women I don’t care about, and I care for you, Janie. I can’t have sex with you, I—”

“Please, please, just make me come.”

“Just this once. But it’s the first and last time.” He prized my thighs apart and got down on his knees, then buried his head between my legs. He growled with animal pleasure, his sound stifled by me when I locked my thighs around his head. His tongue licked up and down my clit—“Fuck, Janie you’re so sweet,”—and deep inside my opening, giving me the biggest orgasm of my life. I could feel tears awash on my face as I cried out in ecstasy, in pain—my climax breaking me into thousands of pieces, like shards of glass.

He continued pressing his tongue inside and then licked me up and down again, flicking and lashing at my clit like a mini whip. Another wave surged through me. This was unbelievable!

“I’m coming again!” I moaned.

I opened my eyes as another orgasm pulsed through me. It was light. No stars in the sky. An orange sun was peeping above the horizon. I was lying on my back on the sofa outside, my phone had fallen on the ground. The morning dew soaked my skin and I was damp all over, not just from the dew, but also with my own sweat. My hands were pressed between my sticky legs.

Daniel was not there.

I picked up my phone, my fingers fumbling, frantic to find the “phone me now” message he’d sent. It was not there either. I got up and made my way through the garden towards the beach, my gaze manically searching the seascape and the back of the garden.

Of course Daniel couldn’t have just come up from the beach and found me sleeping. This belonged to movie stars; there was major security! Locked gates sectioning off the beach from Star and Jake’s backyard. Daniel was not here last night!

Except in my imagination.

I’d been fucking dreaming again.


I NEEDED TO TAKE control of my life—control of myself. I’d had it with these obsessive dreams of Daniel. They were stopping me from living, from getting out there and dating other guys. One part of the dream I suspected to be true, which made my situation even more ridiculous; he was still in love with his wife. I knew it, my subconscious knew it. And I’d heard as much through the grapevine.

Star found me in the kitchen, nursing a coffee at ten a.m. I had gone back to bed and slept like a baby, and only just showered fifteen minutes ago. I remembered I needed to call my dad and little brother, touch base back home.

“Wow, you’re up late.”

“You too,” I remarked. Star was still in her bathrobe.

“Was your bed okay? The mattress not too soft, not too hard?”

“It was soooo comfortable, I want to kidnap it and take it back to New York.”

I told Star the events of last night, that I’d crashed out on the sofa in her backyard, dreaming of Daniel. I omitted the “wet” part of the dream, of course. There were limits. But I did tell her, finally, about my general Daniel obsession, which had been going on since I was twenty-one. Two years of unrequited . . . should I call it ‘love?’

“You’ve got it bad, huh?”

“I thought I’d gotten over him. It makes me so angry that he has this power over me!”

“I so identify.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, Jake made me crazy at one point. All I could think about was him. Meanwhile he was fucking other women and drinking like a sailor, and showing me in every way that he was the last man on earth I should have been with. But then things turned around.”

“So what did you do while he was being a jerk?”

“Went away. Abroad, traveled round the world, incognito. Worked in an elephant sanctuary.”

“Cool. Sounds amazing. Sadly, I can’t do that right now, much as I’d love to.”

“You need to go on some dates, Janie. Daniel’s very handsome and charismatic and everything—I met him once—but there are other fish in the sea. Right now all you’d be is sloppy seconds. It’s too soon; he must still be mourning his wife.” She shook her head. “What a tragedy that was.”

Her words reminded me of the very Copyright 2016 - 2024