Glass Houses (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #13) - Louise Penny Page 0,90

And waited. Trying to ignore the look of increasing annoyance on the face of the court clerk.

Oh, what the hell, he thought, putting down his briefcase. How much worse can it possibly get?

Charged with contempt of court, on top of everything else. It might add another couple of months to the sentence. A chance to learn the past participles of Italian.

Parlato, he mumbled, as he watched Gamache approach Beauvoir. Amato.

Yes, thought Zalmanowitz. I have a lot to learn.

“Patron,” said Beauvoir. Brusque. Matter-of-fact. Any other agent reporting to his superior.

Nothing unusual, Beauvoir repeated to himself. Nothing unusual has happened. Nothing has changed.

“Jean-Guy,” said Gamache.

Armand saw the face, so familiar, but he also saw the wall Jean-Guy had raised. Not stone. Not wood. But sleek sheet metal. Without purchase. Without a rivet or a crack. Unscalable.

It was a device Beauvoir didn’t use often anymore. In fact, it had been years since Gamache had experienced it.

And he knew enough not to try to breach the barrier. It was unassailable. But it was also not a protection. It was, he knew, a prison. And trapped inside those walls a fine man hid. Not from Gamache, but from himself.

Jean-Guy Beauvoir had locked the enemy inside with him.

“I met just now with Superintendent Toussaint,” said Beauvoir. “That’s why I left.”

Gamache held his eyes. But said nothing.

“It’s as we thought,” Beauvoir continued, stammering a little under the steady gaze, before collecting himself. When he continued, his voice was businesslike. “The shipment of fentanyl has crossed the border.”

“Where we expected?”

“Exactly there,” said Beauvoir. “Our informants watched it.”

“And the DEA?”

“Know nothing about it. We’ve lost track of it now. As per your instructions.”

Jean-Guy had no idea why he’d said that last bit, except an infantile desire to cause pain. To drill home what this man had done, which was so much worse, surely, than anything he himself had done.

Beauvoir had thought he was beyond the childish lashing out, but apparently not. It was back, and rested, and more powerful than ever. He braced for the counterattack, hoping for some brutal response. That would justify his own attack.

He waited for the clever, cleaver word.

But there was silence.

A look, thought Beauvoir. Prayed Beauvoir. A smug little assassin glance. Something. Anything. But there was nothing. Just eyes that were thoughtful, almost gentle.

“We expected that,” Beauvoir continued. “But there was something unexpected.”

“Go on,” said Gamache.

“They didn’t take it all with them. They left some fentanyl behind. To sell here.”

Now there was a reaction. Chief Superintendent Gamache’s eyes widened.

“How much?”

“At least ten kilos. We’ve lost track of that as well.”

Don’t say it, Beauvoir warned himself. No need to say it.

“Of course.” He said it.

Gamache tensed and there was a quiet intake of breath, as another thrust hit home.

“Of course,” he whispered. And slowly lowered himself to the spectator’s bench.

He sat there and did the calculations. According to the report he’d commissioned, there were at best fifty deaths per kilo of fentanyl. It wasn’t difficult to do the math.

Seventy kilos of fentanyl now in the United States.

More than three thousand deaths.

And in Québec? Five hundred people alive today who would die. Because of what he’d decided to do. Or not do. And there could be many, many more. Deaths that Armand Gamache had just sanctioned.

“Monsieur,” the clerk called.

Gamache turned to look at him, and the man’s expression changed instantly. From officious to afraid. Not of Gamache, but of what he saw in the Chief Superintendent’s face.

Zalmanowitz saw it too, and guessed what Gamache was being told.

And felt both sick and elated. Relieved and appalled. Something had changed. Something had happened.

Could it be that their plan was working? God help them.

“Merci.” Gamache got up. “I have to go. The judge wants to see Monsieur Zalmanowitz and me. It shouldn’t take long.”

Beauvoir could guess what it was about.

“There’s more,” he said.


“A small shipment of a new drug is sitting in a warehouse at Mirabel. It was flown in two days ago in a load of nesting dolls.”

He took the paper out of his pocket and handed it to Gamache, who put on his reading glasses.

“The same cartel?” Gamache asked, without looking up.


The chief still wore his suit jacket, and Beauvoir could see that the white shirt beneath it was soaked through with perspiration.

“Chlorocodide?” Gamache read, then looked up, meeting Beauvoir’s eyes.

“Codeine derivative. Popular in Russia but not, as far as we know, over here yet. This would be the first. It’s known on the street as krokodil. Very potent, very toxic.”

“And it’s just sitting there?” asked Gamache. Copyright 2016 - 2024