Girls Night - Yolanda Olson Page 0,76

the main doors at once.

My hand wrapped around hers, and I beelined it for the bar, not stopping even when I heard someone call her name. I spotted my brother standing at the end of the bar, watching everyone leave. It was his normal position at the end of the night, and as soon as he spotted me, he lifted his hand to wave, but stopped halfway, a frown overtaking his face.

“Rush.” I placed my hand on his chest. “Thalia is staying behind for a drink.” I glanced back at her then to Rush. “Keep her safe while I get changed?”

Rush raised his brow, his frown turning into a knowing grin. I never did this. It was so out of character, but something had taken me over and I couldn’t stop myself.

“You got it, sis,” he said, tilting his head to the open space between him and the bar. “Stand here,” he told Thalia.

I let go of her hand as she moved beside him, and with one final look, I spun on my heels and headed toward the staff area. I got changed into my normal clothes in record time—a pair of leggings and an oversized T-shirt—then hooked my bag over my shoulder.

By the time I was back in the main area of the club, all of the lights were on, and only staff members were left. Rush stood at the bar with Thalia, and two more people had joined her.

“Hey,” I greeted, all of a sudden feeling shy. Rush chuckled and tried to cover it with a cough, but we’d all heard it. “Shut up,” I whisper shouted at him, narrowing my eyes.

“What?” His eyes widened, acting innocent, but he was anything but.

“Hey,” Thalia said, stepping forward, breaking my stare with my big brother.

“Hey,” I repeated, feeling like an absolute derp. Why was I saying the same word again?

“This is my best friend, Sage.” She pointed to the girl standing beside her. “And this is her…boyfriend, Storm.” She looked to the left, as if she knew something no one else did, then kicked her lips up into a huge smile.

“Hey.” I slapped my forehead. “Sorry.” I tried to laugh it off. “I swear I know more words than ‘hey’.”

Sage smiled softly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Same,” Storm said, wrapping his arm around Sage and pulling her closer to him.

There was an awkward few seconds of silence then a throat cleared. “And I’m Rush.”

“Right.” I shook my head and turned to face Rush. “This is my big brother, Rush.”

“The doorman?” Thalia asked.

“The one and only.” He grinned down at her. “You do that often?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Erm…” Her face paled. “Do…what?”

“Dance in cages and kiss the people in them.” He sounded deadly serious, and every part of me wanted to push him away from us, but I knew I wouldn’t get very far. He was easily twice the size of me.

“No.” She shook her head vehemently. “I never do that.”

“Rush.” I elbowed him in the side. “Stop it.” I didn’t wait for him to say another word as I grabbed Thalia’s hand again and led her away from my annoying brother. “What would you like to drink?”

“Tequila.” She didn’t hesitate.

I lifted my hand to get the bartenders attention. “Two tequila shots.” He nodded, pouring us two, and as soon as they were placed on the bar, I picked them up and handed Thalia one. “Bottoms up.”

She lifted her shot in the air, her eyes not moving off me for even a second. I watched as her lips closed over the rim of the glass, enraptured in each of her movements. She winced at the burn of the Tequila, her face screwing up. And I decided then and there that I didn’t need a shot of alcohol, all I needed was another shot of her.

The Calm and The Storm


I laughed as I watched the thousandth cat video in a row. I never got tired of staring at the furry cuteness on my cell. I’d always wanted a pet, but my mom had never allowed it. The fur will get all over my furniture. I rolled my eyes as her voice ricocheted in my head. I’d reasoned that we could get one that didn’t shed any fur, but she’d shut down the idea years ago and my dad didn’t have any choice but to go along with her.

My happy mood for being home alone was starting to wane. Why did I have to think about anything but Copyright 2016 - 2024