Girls in the City Alison - Suzanne Jenkins Page 0,38

quickly stepped out onto the landing so he could see her waiting with a big smile, wearing his favorite: one of his white T-shirts with no bra and certainly no compression garment. It was boobs full speed ahead, another famous Rich saying.

“What’s this?” he called out from the car.

“Close the garage door, and I’ll tell you,” she replied, laughing.

“Those boobs of yours are amazing. I’ve got a hard-on already.”

Once the garage door closed, she was down in the garage, kissing him, letting Rich know how much she had missed him that week, how in love with him she was.

“Every day at work all I could think of was you and how wonderful it’s been being your wife. I really am the luckiest girl alive.”

“Wow, this is amazing to come home to, Alison. Thank you.”

Helping to unload his car, when she bent over to get his briefcase, he picked up the back of her shirt, exposing her buttocks, and tickled her in a private place, which made her yodel.

“Get inside so I can finish the job,” he said, rubbing up against her. “I’m ready to explode.”

“I hope you don’t get sick of me,” she said. “I’ve heard that it gets to be a chore after a while.”

“It could never be a chore for me,” he said, pulling her to hug. He bent his head down to kiss her soft lips, sending desire through his body. “I’ve been dreaming about making love to you this weekend.”

“I technically don’t ovulate until tomorrow. But tonight is good, and tomorrow can be an encore. You’ve saved up all your juices, so they should be at their most powerful now.”

When he didn’t reply, she looked up at him, “You did save them, right? You haven’t been pleasuring yourself.”

“No, not this week. But I’m glad you reminded me. I didn’t even realize that was a thing.”

She tried not to flare her nostrils. Men were such complex creatures. She didn’t want to make an issue of it, but her blood pressure rose a few numbers.

“Yes, evidently it is a thing. I’ve read that some data suggests quality semen occurs three days after no ejaculation.”

“So if I jack off on Tuesday, we should be okay by the weekend,” he said, with a hint of attitude.

It was exactly what she wanted to avoid. “If I screw you on Monday morning, do you really need to do that on Tuesday?”

“Are you trying to control that, Alison? If you are, that’s kind of weird.”

She could feel her shrill factor rising, something that had not yet happened with Rich.

“I absolutely don’t want to control you, Rich. And I apologize. I know it’s a big sacrifice not to masturbate so we can get a kid started before my cancer returns.”

They were inside the house now, and he reached around her, she thought to hug, but he was closing the garage door.

“What did you just say?”

“You heard me,” she said. “I thought the desire to start a family was mutual.”

He walked away from her to put his bags down. She swung his briefcase, and it flew to the couch, his head following the trajectory.

“It’s completely mutual,” he replied. “I won’t jack off, okay? I’m not sure how I’ll prove it, but you’ll just have to trust me, and right now I’m not sure you’re capable of it.”

“While we’re on the subject of trust, who’s the girl you’re dining with? I got the call from Ed.”

Cringing, the words had just popped out. It was too late to take them back. Her heart sank when she saw the expression on his face, definitely the intention had been to hide what he’d done.

“It’s nothing. We’d finished a case and went to dinner. I didn’t invite her, if that’s your concern.”

“Should I be concerned?”

“You’re so weird right now. I’m not sure what you should be doing,” he said.

She studied his face, and for the second time since she’d met him, she doubted him. It broke her heart, infuriated her, and made all her resolve to get over the supposedly innocent dinner get up and leave. The circumstances for sex were not optimum, but they didn’t have to do it that night. She wanted to throw their dinner in the trash, but instead, she made it an act of her will to be cordial.

“I’m sorry I’m weird. Why don’t you go do what you have to do, and I’ll get dinner on the table.”

“Whatever you want,” he said, infuriating her, but she just smiled, refusing to go any further.

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