The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,97

of relief.

“Thank you,” she said, wondering why she did not feel more relieved. “Like I said, it’s unlikely to come to anything but… well, even if all I manage is to get Aunt Agatha to help Harry, it will have been more than worthwhile.”

“Oh, Livvy. Don’t be a silly goose. You’ll be a great success, I’m sure you will,” Ceci said, smiling at her. “Though I really think you ought to marry Lord Kingston, the poor man is in love with you, after all.”

“King?” Charlie said in shock.

Livvy stared at Ceci, too stunned to speak for a moment. That Ceci had even noticed there was something between them was shocking enough, but that King might… that he could be….

“In l-love,” she stammered. “W-With me?”

Ceci rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Good heavens, I’m not that oblivious to what goes on in this house, Livvy. Oh, Charlie, you should see them together, it’s adorable. He’s head over ears, I swear it.”

Charlie looked back at Livvy with interest.

“No,” she said, shaking her head, though her throat was tight. “You know as well as I do Ceci is a hopeless romantic. I believe that… that Lord Kingston is fond of me, yes, but… but as for being in love… Besides, it’s hopeless. His father has already selected a bride and won’t accept any other. King has no money and, if he married me, his father would cut him off for good. There would be no hope of reconciliation. I could not ask that of him, even… even if he did wish to and I might point out, Ceci, he has not given me reason to believe he… he loves me, or he would want to m-marry me.”

“Livvy,” Charlie said, anxiety in his blue eyes. “King is an awfully charming fellow and a dreadful one for the ladies. He… he hasn’t…?”

“No!” Livvy said at once, flushing scarlet. “No, he has taken no liberties, so I beg you not to speak to him on the subject. He has been a perfect gentleman.”

More’s the pity, she added silently.

Charlie looked a little sceptical but nodded and Livvy let out a breath.

“Very well, Livvy, we shall leave after Christmas and I will escort you to Aunt Agatha’s, though heaven alone knows what kind of reception we shall receive. I only met her once and… well, it did not go well.”

Livvy sighed. One problem at a time.

Chapter Twenty

24th December 1818.

A Christmas like no other.

King had woken early. It was strange how his life had changed. Not so long ago, he would have slept the day away, for there was nothing worth getting up for. Sleeping off the previous night’s excesses was what the daylight hours were for. Not so now. Now he woke earlier and earlier, eager for the day ahead, desperate to snatch every moment he could with Livvy before this enchanted period of his life was over and gone. Time was passing too quickly, the minutes falling away like trying to hold sand in his grasp.

Christmas Eve already.

King forced the ache in his chest down, the panicky sensation that rose when he considered how little time was left. It could be measured in hours now, the time until he would be forced to say goodbye, to watch Livvy leave and never see her again.

Don’t. Don’t think on it.

He took a deep breath and concentrated on tying his cravat, but his fingers were all thumbs today. By some unspoken agreement, they had all made the past days as full and happy as was possible. Charlie and Ceci had joined in and they had played games with the children, King had played piano for impromptu dances and they had gone for long walks when the sun shone. Mealtimes were animated and filled with laughter and conversation and… and how would he carry on when his nights were spent with only Argos and poor devoted Walsh for company.

Don’t think on it.

“Here, let me do that,” Walsh said, exasperated with his mangling of the cravat. “A right pig’s ear you’ve made of it.”

King huffed but allowed Walsh to take over. Foolish to realise he’d even miss seeing the wretched piglet trotting about, though he was happy enough never to see the blasted crow again. He’d bring it home and happily, however, if Livvy came too.

“So, they’ve agreed she can go to her aunt’s party then,” Walsh said.

King felt his valet’s gaze upon him, studying him. “They have.”

“Reckon she’ll find herself a husband then.”

“I suppose so,” King replied, terse. He knew damn Copyright 2016 - 2024