The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,8

you thinking? You know not to bring the piglets inside. They are not pets!”

“Yes, but Barnaby was cold, and—”

“Piglets do not feel the cold like we do, Jane, and I’ve told you a dozen times, we don’t name our dinner. You must not get so attached to them. It only ends in heartbreak.”

“Oh, but—”

“No buts. Take him back to the sty at once.”

“Yes, Livvy, but Harry said to tell you he’s collected a whole basket of rosehips.”

Livvy let out a breath of relief. “Excellent. I was worried it would be too late in the year. I completely forgot to check how much syrup was left, and I must replenish the stocks.”

“I can help,” Jane said eagerly.

“Certainly you can, but take Barna— I mean, take the pig back to where it came from.”

Jane scowled but bent to lift the piglet, who had been running about the room, snuffling as it went. She closed the door behind her.

Livvy turned back to the bed.

“You can open your eyes now,” she said gently.

Kingston did, though he still looked appalled.

“A pig,” he said. “A black pig?”

Livvy nodded. He did not look convinced.

“It was… a real pig?”

“You were expecting a hippopotamus?” she demanded and then sighed. “I beg your pardon. No doubt this does seem like a madhouse to you. I can hardly deny it. Yes, my lord. It was a real pig, and a real crow, but anything else unnatural to a bedchamber has certainly resulted from your wicked lifestyle and a feverish imagination. I beg you to forget it. I shall return later with some soup for you. Do try to rest.”

Deciding she’d tormented him enough for one afternoon, no matter how thoroughly he deserved it, Livvy covered him with the blanket, closed the window, drew the curtains, and left the earl alone to suffer in silence.

Chapter Three

1st December 1818.

For services to womankind…

“Well, you’re still alive then.”

King glowered at Miss Penrose as she strode in, bearing a tray of soup and bread and butter. The urge to fling it across the room was tantalising. Lord, what he wouldn’t give for a good sirloin and a decent Burgundy. On reflection, he’d just take the Burgundy. He was so desperate for a drink he’d have delivered his soul to the devil for a mere sip. If he’d had the energy, he’d ransack the bloody house, but he was as weak as a kitten and no one but a huge Cornishman by the name of Spargo, or the frosty Miss Penrose, ever came anywhere near him. King was aware he was in a very bad skin and in a foul temper, but Spargo seemed to be some manner of a deaf-mute who communicated via a system of unintelligible grunts, and Miss Penrose had a heart of granite.

“And a good day to you too, my lord. I am quite well, thank you for asking,” the wretch continued, as if King had been foolish enough to say such a thing.

He did not wish her a good day at all. He wished her to the bottom of the blasted ocean and well she knew it.

She placed the tray across his lap and King glowered at the bowl of green sludge.

“What the devil is that?”

“Vegetable soup. It’s good for you. I suggest you eat it.”

“I want meat.”

The she-devil folded her arms and stared at him. “You may think you do, but I promise you, your stomach will not tolerate it. Eat the soup, my lord.”

“Stop my lording me, for the love of God. It’s not like you mean it. Call me King. Everyone does.”

“As you wish, my lord.”

King narrowed his eyes at her, well aware she was baiting him. “You don’t like me.”

“My, we are perspicacious this morning,” the outrageous chit said cheerfully as she bent to stoke the fire.

King admired the view of a very fine backside even as he seethed. Well, he really wasn’t dead yet.

“Why? What did I ever do to offend you?” he demanded, discomfited to realise there was any number of ways he might have done so whilst out of his senses. In normal circumstances he’d apologise for the imposition of foisting himself upon them, as it was, he was struggling to keep hold of his sanity let alone his temper. A little voice told him he was being a bad tempered brute and deserved her contempt, but it was drowned out by the angry shouting in his head that demanded he find a drink at once.

Miss Penrose straightened and turned a pair of piercing blue Copyright 2016 - 2024