The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,70

would not fault her for not grasping at Mr Skewes’ offer. She was not a fortune hunter, but there had to be some measure of peace in her decision. She must at least feel safe, secure, must know the children were too, and there was nothing about this man that made her feel that way. He was the kind of man that crushed your spirit, smiling sweetly all the while.

“Ah, Livvy, I admire your courage. I always have. Everyone knows this place only keeps going because of you, but I’m afraid it is time you stopped fighting.”

His voice was gentle, almost apologetic, and a shiver ran down Livvy’s spine.

“For the last time, Mr Skewes, you will address me as Miss Penrose, and I don’t have the faintest idea what you mean.”

Somehow, the words were forceful enough, but she was aware of the tremor of fear beneath them. She suspected Skewes heard it too, for there was a satisfied glint in his pale blue eyes. Yes, he liked that. He liked the fact that she was afraid.

He gave her an assessing look, and then his tone became brisk and businesslike. “Your brother is in debt. He has invested in the most ridiculous schemes, as I’m sure you are aware, but perhaps you do not know that he has compounded the problem with yet another get rich quick scheme which has also failed. He told me he would be away for a few days, for he must do what he can to placate those he cannot pay. In short, Boscawen suggested I use this time to bring you to your senses. I can make it all go away, Livvy. I can pay his debts, the children can remain in their own home, Harry can go back to school, and the girls can have their season. All you need to do, is say yes.”

Livvy felt as though the world had tilted, as though everything had shifted, and she could not keep her balance. She stumbled back, dizzy with shock, and felt a strong arm at her elbow, steadying her.

“Miss Penrose, are you quite well? You look rather peaked.” King said, his dark eyes moving from her to Mr Skewes.

She did not know if he had heard their conversation, but something in his expression told her he had taken an instant dislike to Mr Skewes. Whatever his reasons for it, she felt a sudden surge of vindication. King felt it too. He wasn’t the kind of man who could be taken in with polite words and smiles. He saw the truth in people, in himself. Even when it was ugly, King didn’t look away. In that moment she could have kissed him, almost did, just for the satisfaction of seeing the look on that odious man’s face.

“No, I’m afraid I don’t feel terribly well,” Livvy said, meeting those dark eyes and hoping he understood her gratitude. She was not a feeble creature, she never had been, but she had not been prepared for this. Next time, she would be ready.

“I do not believe I’ve had the pleasure, sir,” Mr Skewes said, his voice cool with displeasure.

“My lord,” King corrected, and Livvy watched with delight as he held Mr Skewes’ gaze, a sardonic smile playing at his lips.

“My lord,” Livvy said, suddenly relishing the moment. “Allow me to introduce our neighbour, Mr Skewes. Mr Skewes, The Earl of Kingston.”

Livvy had never believed herself to be a vindictive creature, and she loathed it when people of higher station looked down upon those they considered beneath them, but she was honest enough to admit that watching Mr Skewes bow—albeit grudgingly—to King, was one of the most satisfying moments of her life. Skewes had a way of being so precisely polite and attentive to those beneath his station that it smacked of condescension, though sometimes Livvy thought she was the only person who saw it. He believed himself better than most everyone around here, though, and certainly better than Boscawen despite his title, because he thought her brother was a fool. Sadly, she could not gainsay him on that point.

King, however, was not a fool.

“If you will excuse me, Mr Skewes,” Livvy said, urgently needing to be away from him now. “But I am feeling rather unwell.”

“Livvy,” Mr Skewes said, a warning tone to his voice that made Livvy’s skin prickle and her heart pick up speed.

“Miss Penrose is indisposed, Mr Skewes,” King said, taking a step closer to the man and for the first time Livvy truly Copyright 2016 - 2024