The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,59

turned towards the sound, glanced back at King, and then strode off towards the kitchens, leaving King dithering, wondering whether he wanted to face Livvy after his outrageous behaviour the day before. Though he still hadn’t decided, he couldn’t seem to make himself walk away, so he was still standing by the open study door when she came down the hallway. Her hair was hanging in heavy damp curls about her face, and her skirts were sodden and dirty at the hem.

“Oh,” she said on seeing him, her expression wary. “Good morning, my lord.”

King gave an unhappy huff of irritation. “I see. It’s that bad, is it? I suppose it must be if we’re back to my lord. Though I suppose I can’t honestly blame you.”

He swallowed down the desire to demand to know where she’d been, if she’d been with Ross Moyles, and what manner of man would have her traipsing about in this weather to meet with him in secret.

“I am sorry, Livvy. I had no right—”

“No, wait,” she said, stopping him in his tracks.

She moved towards him and took hold of his hands. King’s heart did a peculiar little somersault in his chest as her cold fingers held his and squeezed.

“At least, no, you didn’t have the right, but… but I can see how it must have looked so I wish to tell you something. I am not having an affair with Mr Moyles. There is nothing the least bit romantic between us, I swear to you, King.”

Something in King’s chest eased at her words and he nodded. “Very well.”

“You believe me?”

“I do,” he said, meaning it.

She wouldn’t lie to him. Now that he’d had time to cool off and consider that, he felt the truth of it in his bones. Livvy wouldn’t lie. Not ever.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at him.

The desire to ask her what she was doing was palpable. He held his tongue, yet there was something that needed saying.

“Livvy, whether there’s anything between you won’t matter if anyone sees you alone with him. You’ll be ruined.”

She nodded, but looked unconcerned. “I know, but we don’t leave Boscawen’s land, and you only saw us because you’re a guest here. You may have realised by now, there is very little society to be had here. Especially at this time of the year.”

“You don’t mind it, though, do you? The quiet.”

“Me?” she replied with a smile. “No. Not really. Oh, when I was young, I wished to go to town and wear pretty dresses and dance but… but I always imagined I would come back here, or somewhere very like it.”

“My home is in Dorset,” he blurted out, wondering why on earth he’d told her that. Whatever the reason, he didn’t seem to be able to stop now he’d started and rambled on. “Wynford Castle. It’s in a shocking state. I inherited it with the title but didn’t pay it much mind until about five years ago. Too busy pickling my liver and creating the legend that is the King of Sin, I suppose. Except then I stopped. Drinking, that is. For a while, anyway. Obviously. I… I had some notion that…. Well, anyway, I was making improvements when my father… well, you know, the whole forced into marriage thing. I got the roof fixed, at least, but the rest is…. This place reminds me a little of home, actually.”

Except that his home was empty, with big echoing rooms and no children running about. No piglets either, for that matter, or attack crows, and certainly no Livvy... and once his father had killed any hope for the future, he hadn’t been able to bear going back there again.

“You love it there,” Livvy said, something in her eyes he couldn’t read.

King shrugged. “Once I thought that perhaps…”

He closed his mouth, uncertain what he might say if he continued. There was no point in making plans. He’d realised that a long time ago. It was foolish to think a man like him could have a home and a family of the kind that some men achieved...what dim-witted Charlie had right in front of him and was letting go to the devil, the stupid bastard. He didn’t deserve what he had. Not that King did either, but at least he knew it, and knew better than to try. If a fellow was going to have a wife and children, he must be steady and dependable, and he’d better bloody well protect them with his last breath or… or what Copyright 2016 - 2024