The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,40

some of Ceci’s clothes. Heaven knows she won’t notice, and there’s plenty to choose from.”

“Ah, thievery. You never cease to impress me, Miss Penrose.”

She continued and ignored that comment too. “I’m taller and a bit fuller in the bust, so I must lower the hems and let them out a little, but that’s all. Since the last couple of pregnancies, we fill them out to a similar degree, so her more recent purchases might not even need that.”

King’s eyes were naturally drawn to her bosom after a comment like that, and he pursed his lips.

“Don’t bother. I’m immune to lewd comments, I assure you.”

“Really?” he asked with interest. “How do you know? Who has been making lewd comments about your person?”

Livvy returned an impatient glance. “No one, clearly, or I’d likely not be in this predicament. I just mean that I do not shock easily, so you may as well refrain from the effort. I suspect being wicked and lascivious at every moment of the day takes a deal of energy, so I am giving you leave to take a rest.”

He looked so perplexed by the idea she felt compelled to elaborate.

“Well, isn’t it tedious, always having to flirt and make women want to go to bed with you?”

His frown deepened.

“Because you need not try with me. I know you don’t wish to bed me, and I most certainly have no wish for you to. This is merely a… a learning experience on my part. So you may relax and be at your ease with me. Treat me as you would one of your cronies.”

There was a pause that felt significant, but Livvy could not put her finger on exactly why that was. After the significant pause had stretched almost to breaking point, and just before a fine prickle of sweat broke out on her forehead, he spoke.

“But you wish me to teach you how to seduce a man. That is not the kind of thing I would do with a pal, considering it must be a practical learning experience.”

Livvy swallowed and willed her cheeks not to heat, glad for the dim candlelight. “Like on the beach?”

That had definitely sounded an octave higher and squeakier than she had intended or was in any way normal.

“Like on the beach,” he replied, something simmering in his eyes that no amount of willing could stop bringing a flush of heat to her skin.

“W-Well, in those instances we shall be business-like, and… do what we must. There need be no lovemaking. As you say, it’s merely practical experience.”

Apart from a slight stutter, Livvy felt relieved her words had sounded cool and quite sensible, which was a relief and evidence of a new ability to dissemble she hadn’t realised she possessed, for her insides trembled with longing at the idea that he might give her such an experience now. The look in his eyes suggested he was considering it.

“And outside of those practical experiences, I am to treat you as one of my cronies? A pal?” he repeated, frowning.

“Quite so,” Livvy agreed, pleased that he had accepted the point.

“Very well,” he said, perking up a little.

Livvy watched with consternation as he stripped off his coat, tugged his cravat undone, and threw both onto a chair. Then he strode to her bed and flopped down on it, lounging against the pillows with his hands behind his head, looking for all the world like some exotic pasha awaiting his harem.

“W-What…?” Livvy began.

“You said to treat you as one of my cronies. Pals are terribly informal, you see, we make ourselves at home with one another. You’re right, you know, I do feel far more relaxed. Now then, show me these frocks you think can be made over. I confess I have grave doubts about their suitability.”

Livvy stared at him for a long moment. Seeing him sprawled over her bed was giving her some very odd sensations in the pit of her belly. There was a peculiar coiling heat, a bit like writhing snakes only less unpleasant, and… and the strangest sense of possessiveness. As if by laying himself down upon her bed, in her room, he had somehow made himself… hers. What utter twaddle. One could no more own a man like that than keep a pet crocodile. Still, the sensation lingered.

He quirked one dark eyebrow. “See something you like?”

Livvy bristled instinctively. “Certainly not.”

“Excellent. Show me the gowns.”

Reminding herself that was what she was supposed to be doing, Livvy went to the chest at the end of Copyright 2016 - 2024