The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,117

to me than just a valet. I hope you know that. You’ve been a friend, the only one I’ve ever been able to count on. I just want you know you have a friend in me, too.”

Walsh choked, and fumbled for a handkerchief, wiping his eyes, and giving his nose a forceful blow.

“Well, thank you, sir. You’re like a son to me, truth be told,” he said and then cleared his throat and gave King a look of utter guilelessness. “Does this mean I’ll get a raise, then?”

King snorted, amused. “Devil. Never mind a raise, I owe you at least six months back pay. But of course, Walsh. Goes without saying.”

Walsh chuckled, looking a bit guilty. “I was only ragging you.”

“I know.” King nodded. “But I wasn’t. You deserve every penny.”

The moment the carriage door closed on them, King pulled Livvy into his lap.

“Right, Countess, you have twenty-five minutes to have your wicked way with me,” he said, grinning at her.

“I’ve had it,” Livvy said tartly. “More times than I can count, you dreadful man. I never realised quite how apt your nickname was.”

“Yes, you did,” he said, his voice low as he made quick work of the buttons on her elegant new pelisse and slid his fingers beneath, up her side to cup her breast. “You knew the first time you set eyes on me.”

Livvy sighed as his thumb brushed back and forth over her nipple. “Oh, very well. You win.”

King chuckled and kissed a path down her neck.

“This is a beautiful gown, by the way,” he said. “I am looking forward to taking it off you later.”

“It was dreadfully expensive,” Livvy said, and he could still hear the anxiety in her voice.

King sighed and looked up at her. “Good. Stop worrying about money. Now my inheritance has been restored to me, I am quite disgustingly wealthy. I’m afraid you’ll just have to get used to it.”

“Yes, King,” she said meekly. “I shall try.”

“I should think so. Now… where was I?”

“I think you were about to tug my dress down and kiss me until I scream,” Livvy said, utterly deadpan.

King’s entire body stood to attention.

“God, I love you,” he said. “Come here.”

Livvy chuckled and did as he instructed, climbing over and straddling him.

“Oh,” she said, as his aching cock pressed against her in just the right place. Her blue eyes darkened, glittering with mischief. “King… can you… you know… in a carriage?”

“Of course I can,” he said, aware he sounded far too pleased with himself. “But we must hurry.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Livvy gasped as he tugged up her skirts and she fumbled at his buttons.

“Quick, quick,” he muttered, as they snatched desperately at each other. “Yes, yes… Oh, oh, Livvy.”

His head fell back against the squabs as she sank down onto him, and he was engulfed in heat and pleasure and Livvy.

“Heaven, love,” he whispered against her neck. “You are heaven. I can’t believe you are really mine.”

“All yours,” she whispered. “All yours for always, King, and not just for Christmas.”


24th December 1820.

The Christmas season once again, and family, in all its messy perfection.

“Someone’s here!” Susan cried, climbing down from her position at the window seat and rushing from the room with Lydia and Rebecca in pursuit.

“Oh, is it your mother and father?” Livvy called, springing up from her seat by the fire and following her out.

“It’s Harry!” Jane shrieked, somehow having got to the door before any of them.

Bascombe, their dreadfully efficient butler, gave the girl an amused glance as she passed him on the way out.

Livvy turned to see King coming down the stairs, carrying their baby daughter, Bea. Lady Beatrice Agatha St John had been born five months ago and was the apple of her father’s eye.

“I thought you were giving her to Nanny to put her down for a nap,” Livvy said, hiding a smile and knowing exactly what had happened.

“I was,” King admitted. “But she sleeps much better when I’m holding her.”

Livvy sighed as he walked up to her and she kissed his cheek.

“Like her mother,” she said softly.

King tore his eyes away from his daughter long enough to grin at her.

“Give her to me,” Livvy instructed firmly. “Harry has just arrived, and you know he’ll be bursting to see you.”

Reluctantly, King handed the baby over, kissed Bea’s head, then Livvy’s, and hurried out to greet Harry.

Livvy waited inside in the warmth until everyone rushed in with a burst of noise and laughter. Her heart soared as she saw Copyright 2016 - 2024