The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,100

perhaps he even loved her a little…

She kissed him again, pressing herself against his hard body and wanting… wanting so much, everything.

“Oh, God, don’t, don’t… I… Christ, love.” King gasped as she wrestled his shirt free and slid her cold hands beneath. She laughed at his shock, revelling in the feel of his hot skin beneath her palms. “You little wretch.”

“You never did teach me how to seduce a man, King. You never taught me what I needed to know.”

King cupped her face between his large hands, staring down at her, his dark eyes warm and gentle. “Ah, love. You never needed it. Did you never realise? I’ve been yours since the beginning, Livvy. If I didn’t love you so much, I would never be able to resist you, I would never be able to let you go, but I could never hurt you, beautiful Olivia. You deserve the world, and I cannot give it to you.”

“Oh,” Livvy stared up at him, hardly able to take in his words. He loved her. He loved her, but he was still going to let her go. She burst into tears and clung to him, and he held her tight.

“Come along, we’d best cut this mistletoe and get back before they send out a search party. I have no wish to answer a lot of awkward questions from your brother.”

He kissed her forehead and let her go and Livvy almost stamped her foot with frustration, but she knew that was no way to get what she wanted, what she needed. For that… for that she would need a plan.

By the evening, the house was bedecked with greenery. They had adorned the mantelpieces with fir and berry studded holly, and there had been much muttering and cursing over the tying of red ribbons as the vicious leaves stabbed at tender fingers. Candles glowed, and Spargo and Charlie had hauled in a massive Yule log which was burning in the hearth. The house was quiet now, though. The children had gone to bed, chattering and merry, full of excitement for the great feast tomorrow. Everyone would be up early in the morning with plenty of jobs for everyone to do before they could get to the business of celebrating. Once upon a time this house had been filled with servants, and the idea that Livvy or any of them should dirty their hands with chores too ridiculous for words. Times had changed though, and in truth, Livvy did not mind it. Though her hands were not pretty and smooth as they had once been, she did not enjoy sitting idle. Tonight, however, she was not thinking about the jobs that needed doing, nor the day ahead, she was lying in wait.

“Mr Walsh.”

Walsh leapt about a foot in the air as she stepped out of the parlour door to intercept him in the corridor.

“Saints preserve me,” Walsh said, clutching at his heart. “Lord, but you gave me a turn.”

“I do beg your pardon, Mr Walsh. I did not intend to startle you.”

She stood silently for a moment while the man drew in a steadying breath. “Thought everyone had gone to bed long since,” he said, turning towards her at last.

Livvy gave him an apologetic smile and shook her head. “I waited up. I… I need to speak with you about… Well, it’s a little indelicate, but… but I have come to trust you, Mr Walsh, and I flatter myself that you like me enough to—”

“He’s expecting me, Miss,” Walsh said, giving her a sad smile. “If I don’t come, he’ll go looking. It won’t work, not tonight…” He broke off and pursed his lips. “Tomorrow night though, I’ve said I’ll pitch in and help Gelly and Spargo with the cleaning up. Reckon that could take… Oh, hours and hours. I’ll not want to disturb him by the time I’m done, I reckon.”

Livvy let out a breath. “Thank you.”

Walsh nodded.

Heat burned up the back of her neck as Livvy considered just what it was she was doing, and that this man knew about it. “You must think me such a—”

Walsh reached out and squeezed her hand. “I think people do desperate things when they’re in love, and I hope you might use the time to talk some bloody sense into him. He needs you, Miss. I told you that from the start. I never seen anyone handle him how he needs handling and… ah, bloody hell. If you want a bit of advice, you’ll get him to Copyright 2016 - 2024