Ginger's Heart - Katy Regnery Page 0,9

so that her breasts pushed into him. “I’m a senior, you know.”

“The hottest one at school.”

She ignored this, taking another drag of her cigarette and exhaling over his shoulder. “And you’re only a sophomore, Cain.”

“Think of everythin’ you’re teachin’ me, sugar. You’re the best teacher I ever met, and I’m aimin’ to get straight A’s.”

“Maybe I should just make you walk me home,” she said as she dropped her cigarette to the ground and squished it with the toe of her dirty gray sneaker. “’Cause now I ain’t sure if I want to continue our . . . lessons.”

“Aw, c’mon, baby,” he cajoled, pushing her sweater away to bare her shoulder and press his lips to her warm skin. “Educate me. I’m beggin’ you.”

“Tell me where you were first,” she said, but her voice was gentler now, and she looped her arms around his neck, wanting more.

“Over at McHuid’s,” he murmured. He bit her gently, his teeth nabbing a pinch of her skin and holding for a moment before letting it go. She moaned softly, more and more like Jell-O in his arms.

“Didn’t know you moved in such—” Cain released her waist with one hand and slid his palm under her sweater, under her thin cotton bra, resting his bare hand against the fullness of her naked breast. “Mm! Cain!—in, um, such distinguished circles.”

Her nipple pebbled between his thumb and forefinger as he bit down on her shoulder again, then soothed her skin by licking and blowing, all the while rolling the stiff, hot nub between his digits. “Wasn’t invited to the festivities. Only went to see . . .”

“See who?” she asked in a breathy, distracted voice, her head falling back as he continued to tease her.

“The Prin—uh, my cousin.”

His second hand followed the first, burrowing under her sweater, under her bra, his palm covering the lush flesh of her other breast. Mary-Louise reached down for the hem of her sweater and flipped it over her head before reaching around to unlatch her bra in the front. She squared her shoulders and dropped her arms, and Cain watched the flimsy fabric slip down her arms, leaving her completely bare from the waist up.

He dropped his eyes to the hot fuckin’ sight of his hands on her breasts. In the dim light of the setting sun, the tall grass turned a golden lavender, and Mary-Louise moaned her approval as he plumped one breast in readiness for his mouth.

“Your cousin. W-Woodman,” she sighed.

“Uh-huh,” said Cain, bending his head to suck one bright pink bud between his lips. Mary-Louise arched against him, moaning with pleasure, and his cock, already as stiff as the stone of the gazebo, twitched eagerly behind his zipper.

“Ain’t surprised . . . the banker’s kid . . . was invited,” said Mary-Louise between gasps of pleasure. “Wasn’t it . . . wasn’t it the, uh, the little girl’s birthday today? Poor . . . little thing.”

Cain flinched, and his teeth grazed her nipple a touch more roughly than he’d intended. Mary-Louise cried out in pleasure, digging her fingers into Cain’s hair and raking his scalp with her sharp nails.

Part of the reason Magnolia McHuid had been so pissed about Ginger’s broken arm on her sixth birthday was that Ginger had only just recovered from major surgery to fix her heart. Because the McHuids were as close to royalty as anyone could find in Glenndale County, everybody had known about Ginger’s broken heart, and few, including Mary-Louise Walker, who had zero personal connection to the McHuids, had forgotten.

“That was a long time ago,” he said.

“Ain’t seen that l’il gal in an . . . age. They still . . . homeschool her, right?”

He wanted to yell at Mary-Louise to stop fucking talking about the princess because now a picture of Ginger’s pretty face was firmly lodged in Cain’s head. Thoughts of her fingers entwined with Woodman’s made his eyes narrow. And thoughts of his own lips so recently pressed against Ginger’s sweet skin made an unexpected flash of guilt steal his breath as he thought about where his lips were now: suckling at Mary-Louise’s nicotine-scented tits.

He huffed in frustration, sliding his hands from Mary-Louise’s breasts and panting raggedly as his palms skimmed her sides, finally resting on her waist.

“Aw, honey,” said Mary-Louise, mistaking his abrupt halt for concern and reaching for his face. Her eyes were soft as she licked her lips. “You’re sweet, worryin’ about that kid.”

“Ain’t worried about her,” he muttered, clenching his jaw, trying to resist Copyright 2016 - 2024