The Gin O'Clock Club - Rosie Blake Page 0,86

just meant ‘with her’ in the normal way. Not like when Howard told me something was ‘sick’ and that meant it was good.

‘And she often answers his phone, and she’s around him a lot. I’ve seen her at his desk and she even told me once that she fancied him . . . ’

The last bit came out in a one long gush and I frowned. It wasn’t like Lottie to doubt him, and Luke wasn’t the sort to stray.

‘I’m sure it was nothing. Luke is always friendly, always nice to people. It’s probably completely innocent. You should ask him.’

Lottie was quiet again, folding a paper napkin in her hands, then shredding it bit by bit. ‘He sees her every day. And you always read about affairs happening in the workplace, don’t you? And they work together.’

‘That doesn’t necessarily mean anything,’ I protested, pulling up a chair opposite her.

‘She’s pretty. All red hair, big eyes and an amazing figure.’

I started to feel a creeping sense of dread. This sounded suspiciously like the girl Luke was working with on Arjun’s secret project. Is that why they were meeting outside work? I wanted to say something but I had promised Arjun and you know how I loathe breaking a promise. You never really forgave me for not telling you that Geoffrey had bought that lemon drizzle cake for the fête competition from M&S. Lottie looked so sad, though. My eyes roved the room as she continued.

‘I’m too scared to ask him. I’ve been such a grumpy cow recently, always sniping at him.’

I opened my mouth to protest but even I had seen Lottie snapping at him lately, rolling her eyes at the smallest thing, tired and impatient and taking it out on him. ‘We all behave badly sometimes,’ I compromised.

She looked at me weakly and nodded, aware that I hadn’t exactly batted her statement away. Her eyes had started to swim then and I cursed you, Cora. Why weren’t you here? I am sure this conversation would have gone a hundred times better. ‘But Luke is a trustworthy man and I have every confidence that there is a simple explanation for what you’ve seen.’

Lottie swallowed once, twice, trying to compose herself. I covered her hand with mine. ‘Have some faith in him.’

She pressed her lips together and nodded, slowly sweeping away the shredded napkin into one hand.

‘Thanks, Grandad.’

I felt a warm glow at that, perhaps a glimpse into what it had been like for you, always on the end of the phone ready to listen or advise.

‘Any time. I want you to be happy, Lottie.’ I had more I wanted to say then, things I had been thinking recently, but I knew this probably wasn’t the time. She looked drained and I switched the subject to Tipping Point. I had about 35 recorded!

After a while I offered to order a Chinese and she glanced at the clock above me. ‘Thanks but I better go.’ She indicated the packed briefcase.

I knew not to push it, gave her a quick hug and she left me with my thoughts and half a portion of egg fried rice that I will eat for lunch tomorrow.

I love you, Cora.

Teddy x

Chapter 23

Love is like chicken pox: we all catch it in the end


I was late, dishevelled, head pounding, make-up long gone. I just wanted to be alone, to curl up under the duvet, close my eyes and try to forget the day. I had barely slept after getting back from Grandad’s the night before, Luke already asleep (or pretending to be) beside me. The day in court had zapped any remaining energy. The work wasn’t complicated but I had travelled to Winchester for a hearing, loitered outside the court to be heard and then headed back on delayed trains, trying to juggle the work I had lined up and focus rather than replay the images I had seen in that Pimlico café. He had lied. I knew that. Why had he lied?

And now I was off to another evening being wooed by a boyfriend who I was fairly sure might dump me at any moment. What a joke! How could we get through the evening when we were barely on speaking terms?

Geoffrey’s house was compact and impossibly tidy. Shoes lined the polished corridor, coats hung in a regimented line, a small side table was bare but for a glasses case and a pair of golf gloves.

Geoffrey welcomed me with a shy kiss on the cheek. ‘It’s good Copyright 2016 - 2024