Ghost Writer - Pandora Pine Page 0,69

been pure conjecture, but Cope felt that today’s trip to The Beecher House was going to help them find the answers they desperately needed.

“It doesn’t look evil, does it?” Jude said, as he parked the car.

“Nothing evil ever does, at least not at first.” Cope turned to his husband. “You’ll be gentle when you tell Peg what you learned yesterday about Marc, right?”

Jude shot his husband a dirty look. “I was telling wives about cheating husbands and vice versa when you were still bending spoons back in New Orleans.” His look softened as he pressed a quick kiss to Cope’s temple. “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. I might not be the most tactful of men ordinarily, but no one knows better than me the heartbreak these clients feel when they find out they’ve been betrayed, even if they’ve done a little betraying themselves.”

Cope had never really seen Jude as a private investigator. He’d still been working the occasional case after the two of them met, but Cope had never been a part of those investigations. He was actually looking forward to seeing this side of his husband, although he wished it were under better circumstances.

Peg Waller met them at the door. “I was a little surprised to hear from you last night,” she admitted on a nervous giggle.

“There’s been a development in your case in terms of your husband, but Cope and I would also like the opportunity to try to connect with the young woman who died in this house over a hundred years ago.” Jude reached out for her hand.

“You mean Geneva Beecher?” Peg wore a thoughtful look on her face. “Do you think she’s the one who’s been haunting me?”

“Why don’t we have a seat at the dining room table, and we’ll lay the situation out for you?” Cope wanted all of their cards on the table before he would even think about trying to contact Geneva.

Nodding, Peg led them into the kitchen which had a cozy breakfast nook. The formal dining room had a table big enough to seat their entire family for Thanksgiving dinner, highchairs and all.

“Can I offer either one of you something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Water?”

“No, we’re all set.” Jude pulled out Cope’s chair before taking one for himself.

“You were saying you had news about my husband.” Peg looked back and forth between the two of them. “I’d rather get the news about him over and done with if that’s okay with both of you?”

Jude nodded, his eyes focused on Peg Waller. “Before I met my husband, and started working for the psychic shop, I spent over ten years as a private investigator. I still hold my license in Massachusetts. Yesterday afternoon, two colleagues and I went on the stakeout.”

“You don’t have to pussyfoot around, Jude. I won’t break like a porcelain doll. What did you find out?” There was no sign of emotion on Peg’s face. It was obvious any feelings she had for her husband were gone. All this woman wanted now, was the truth.

“We followed him to the shitty bar in Peabody, where he spent the afternoon drinking beer and losing money at Keno. After the bouncer threw him out, a woman picked him up. They appear to be involved romantically.”

“Miranda West?” Peg asked.

Jude nodded. “Do you know her?”

“They were high school sweethearts who broke up after graduation. At least that’s what Marc told me.” Peg gave her head a little shake. “I remember being so jealous of her, with that long blonde hair and those come-fuck-me blue eyes. Marc would always assure me there was nothing going on between them. Now, it doesn’t matter. I’m filing for divorce and breaking the lease on this damned house. Thank God I had the foresight to have Marc sign a prenuptial agreement.”

“The prenup is the final piece of the puzzle. I’ve got one more bit of news about your husband.” Jude cast a quick look at Cope before returning his full attention to Peg.

“Well, that’s a serious look if I ever saw one. What has the asshole done now? Embezzle more money?” Peg looked more annoyed than heartbroken.

“I wasn’t sure if you knew about that.” Jude turned to Cope. “Thanks to a friend at the Boston Police Department, we had access to Marc’s criminal record. There was a lot of petty larceny and other misdemeanors. Several years ago, he was arrested and charged with embezzling company funds, but the case was settled out of court.”

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