Ghost Writer - Pandora Pine Page 0,27

where Jude seemed to be standing guard over the baby. “This ghost might not be dangerous.”

“Not dangerous? It locked you in your office. What the hell would have happened if it set the house on fire or was in the other room attacking Wolf?” Jude felt like his head was going to explode. Why the fuck hadn’t Cope told him about this last night?

Cope tugged on Jude’s arm, dragging him back toward the sofa. “Do you remember the story about Justin Wilson?”

“What?” Jude had no idea what the hell Cope was talking about. All he could think about now was how to protect his family from the presence invading their home.

“He was the spirit who could only communicate with Tennyson through images.” Cope seemed determined to plow ahead with his story.

Jude pushed his anger down and focused on Cope. “His name sounds familiar. I think it had to do with that serial killer case Ronan cracked. Happened before I met Ten and Ronan.”

Cope nodded. “Right. When Ten told me about Justin, he said it took several visitations before Ten was able to understand what the boy had been trying to communicate. This spirit could have the same issue.”

“You’re saying its only way to speak to you is through the use of a decades-old manual typewriter?” Jude turned to glance at the baby again. He was sleeping soundly, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.


“Okay, so why was it only communicating one verse from a song you’ve never even heard of?” Jude was exhausted. It was late and the last thing he wanted to be doing was talking about a ghost, especially one who had powers stronger than Cope. “You said you asked it questions. Why didn’t it answer them?”

“I don’t know.” Cope sank his head into his hands.

“There are way too many things you don’t know about this situation.” Anger began churning in Jude’s gut. He didn’t like any of this. Not one bit.

“What do you want to do?” Cope sounded as exhausted as Jude felt.

“We need to pack a bag and get the hell out of this house. I’ll call Ronan and see if we can crash with them for the night.” The last thing Jude wanted to do was sleep in a strange bed, but Wolf’s safety came before his own comfort.

Cope sank onto the sofa. He wore a lost look in his eyes. “Okay.”

“I’m not mad. I’m just worried about you and our son.” Jude sat next to his husband and reached for the phone. “The only thing I care about is keeping you safe and if you don’t have anything in your arsenal to defend us from this spirit, then the only thing we can do is leave.”

“You’re right. I just…”

Jude didn’t have time to find out what Cope was about to say, he’d pressed the button for Ronan’s number and the phone was ringing in his ear. “Hey, man, you in the mood for a slumber party?”



The spare bed in Ten and Ronan’s guest room was the most uncomfortable thing he’d ever slept on in his life. Jude had been out like a light the minute his head hit the pillow, but Cope hadn’t been so lucky.

The sound of Everly singing to Wolf got him out of bed. He slipped down the hall, stopping short of Everly’s bedroom door. Ronan had moved her portable crib into the room before they’d arrived last night so the kids could sleep in the same room.

Ten and Ronan’s door opened a crack and Ten’s smiling face greeted him. “We could hear it on the monitor.” Ten was all smiles. Cope supposed it was much better than the little girl shouting her new favorite word.

Everly wasn’t singing any song Cope had heard before. She was just humming in her crib while holding onto the top rail. Wolf was staring up at her with an awestruck look on his face.

As much as Cope hated packing up and disturbing their friends last night, it was definitely the right decision. Wolf was safe and happy. His safety was all that mattered.

“Why don’t you grab a shower and I’ll get the kids changed?” Ten was already dressed and ready to face the day.

“I can’t thank you and Ronan enough, Ten.” Cope might not have gotten a lot of rest, but at least Wolf was okay.

“No, it’s us who have to thank you. This is the first morning in two weeks Little Miss Grumpy seems to have woken up on the right Copyright 2016 - 2024