Ghost Writer - Pandora Pine Page 0,18

of the year. We have a garden walk coming up in July and tours for Halloween and Christmas as well. She had so many happy memories of her childhood on the North Shore, she couldn’t resist renting this place.” Marc’s wistful look morphed into a frown as he turned from the stately house. “We had no idea it was haunted.”

Marc making mention of Peg having money struck him odd. They were married, but Jude couldn’t help noticing the way Marc mentioned only Peg renting and paying for the place. He made a mental note to ask Cope what he thought later.

“Salem is one of the most haunted places in the United States.” Cope’s eyes were focused on the house. “Did you ask the former stewards if the house was haunted?”

Marc threw a cautious glance over his shoulder. “Before we moved into this house, I thought ghosts and spirits were bullshit.” The last word was whispered.

“Now you know better?” Jude asked carefully. He knew from experience going from skeptic to believer, then victim, was a harrowing experience.

“Right,” Marc’s voice was still pitched low. “It started out with bumps in the night. Peg and I never thought anything of it. Hell, the house was built in 1720, it’s bound to have a few creaky stairs and hinges that need tightening.”

“When did you realize it was something more than sounds an old house makes when it settles for the night?” Jude had read about the first haunting in the email Peg Waller sent, but he was asking for Cope’s benefit.

“Peg started hearing a voice calling her name. It never happened when I was around, but she would swear the minute I got out of bed to go to the bathroom or to grab a snack, she’d hear the voice.”

Cope nodded along with the story. “I’ve heard stories like that before. Sometimes spirits are focused on one person over another or it could be this spirit doesn’t like men.”

“It doesn’t matter to me either way. I just want it gone. My wife is having anxiety attacks. She isn’t sleeping well and just the other day, noticed her hair is starting to fall out. We’ve been trying to get pregnant and it’s not happening. I’m starting to think all the stress from this house is the problem. If the two of you can’t find a spirit here, then I’ll have to look into inpatient mental health options.” Marc shrugged casually, as if he hadn’t just suggested committing his wife to a psychiatric institution.

Jude hid the shock of Marc’s words from his face. It seemed an awfully fast jump from the house being haunted to his wife being crazy. Now wasn’t the time or place to talk about that. Step one was to find out if there was a spirit haunting the premises. “Why don’t you show us around the house and Cope will see what he can pick up with his gift?”

“You can really do that? Talk to dead people.” Marc sounded skeptical.

“Since I was a teenager. Let’s see what’s going on in the house and after I’ve seen what’s what, we can talk specifics.” Cope wrapped his arms around himself. Not a good sign.

“My wife is at work today, which is why I invited you both to come.” A devious smile played at the corner of his lips.

Jude saw Marc’s look clear as day. What the hell was going on here? “I’m confused. I thought you said the spirit only speaks to her?”

“That’s right. So, I figured if it spoke to you while she wasn’t here then it has to be real.” Marc looked back and forth between Jude and Cope. “Right?”

“Not if the spirit is attached to her.” Jude kept his eyes glued to Marc. He was curious to see the man’s reaction.

“Attached to her? What, you mean like it goes where she goes?” Marc blushed, as if the thought never crossed his mind. Anger soon replaced the embarrassment in his eyes.

Cope set a hand on Marc’s arm. “Let’s go have a look at the house. I’ll learn more from being inside than I will from standing here on the sidewalk.”

“Yeah.” Marc nodded, looking shocked. “Come in.” He opened the gate and led them toward the front door. He’d been standing tall when he’d introduced himself to Jude and Cope, now his posture was stooped with what Jude could only imagine was disappointment.

“Have you had other psychics in the house before?” Jude asked. While he’d been researching the house, he hadn’t come across Copyright 2016 - 2024