Ghost Mortem (Ghost Detective #1) - Jane Hinchey Page 0,48

one of the chairs opposite Drake's desk. The door handle began to turn and I darted toward the door, pressing myself up against the wall behind it, closed my eyes, and prayed.

"Ah, there it is." Philip Drake pushed the door open, it stopped an inch from my nose. I sucked in a breath and held it, praying he didn't shut the door and reveal my hiding spot. I heard his footsteps as he crossed the room and almost sagged with relief. So far, so good.

"As I was saying…" A male voice I didn't recognize spoke right next to me, making me jump. "I think we can swing both the Roberts wedding on the seventeenth and the petit four cooking class."

"Baxter's the event manager. What does he say?" Philip Drake replied.

"He only cares about the Roberts wedding." The man sniffed. "He has no interest in what I do."

"The two of you have to work together," Drake grumbled, his footsteps returning. "It's imperative front of house and event management work together, not continually bring your squabbles to me."

Then the door closed and I listened as their voices faded away. Slumping against the wall, I exhaled the breath I'd been holding in a whoosh. A glance towards Drake's desk told me he'd returned to collect his phone.

"You are one lucky son of a b—" Ben drawled.

"You are one lousy lookout," I shot back. Gathering myself, I waited a few minutes for the coast to be clear, then quickly exited Drake's office. That had been a close call. Too close. My heart rate didn't return to normal until I was back in my car.

"Next time we do that," I huffed, "do a girl a solid and actually keep a lookout, will you?"

Ben had the grace to look contrite. "Sorry. My bad. Too caught up in doing the investigative work, I guess."

"Okay then." I nodded. Fair enough. Ben wasn't used to being the lookout. He was used to doing the work. A lesson learned for both of us. I was just glad I hadn't been busted. "So what do you think?" I asked as I pulled away.

"About what?"

"The whole Sophie thing." I drummed my thumb on the steering wheel. "Did she know her dad had her boyfriend investigated? Was it just a coincidence that he called her after our visit yesterday?"

"On this occasion, despite me not believing in coincidences, it is possible."

"I think I should talk to Sophie," I decided.


"Risky is my middle name."

"No, it's not. Your middle name is—"

"If you say it I'll never speak to you again!" I shot him a glare. His answering smile was broad. "What do you know about Sophie?" I asked, distracting him.

"If I could remember I'd tell you."

Damn it, I'd forgotten. Post-death amnesia. How inconvenient. Gripping the steering wheel, I headed to Ben's house, or as he suggested I think of it—the office. I left my car on the street and smiled broadly when Mrs. Hill's curtains twitched. I waved and they quickly dropped back into place and I could see her in my mind’s eye, hurriedly stepping back from the window as if I hadn't seen her spying on me in the first place.

"Where have you been? I'm starving!" Thor greeted me at the door and a pang of guilt had me scooping him up into my arms for a cuddle. "I'm sorry. I—" I was going to say forgot but bit off the words before they left my mouth. I didn't want him to know I'd forgotten him. Also, what was I thinking cuddling this cat? I was about to put him down when he head bumped my chin. I froze. Was he about to attack my face?

"Awww, look at you two," Ben purred. "That's nice."

"Nice?" I squeaked, still frozen with an overweight cream puff with delusions of badness cradled in my arms. But the purring emanating from Thor told me he didn't dislike me quite as much as he let on. Either that or he was just incredibly thankful I'd arrived to save him from imminent starvation.

"Come on, let's get you fed. And I really should get you some new bowls, huh?" I carried the ball of fur through the house, setting him down in the kitchen while I went to collect the kibble from the pantry.

"Thank you, human." Thor wound his way between my ankles and I had flashes of falling flat on my face, but the Gods must have been smiling on me for I kept my balance, poured the kibble into Thor’s Copyright 2016 - 2024