Ghost Mortem (Ghost Detective #1) - Jane Hinchey Page 0,42

he immediately shoved into his mouth. Isabelle was next, she'd already managed to snag pizza before Dad had even sat her on the tablecloth and I chuckled at her passion for food. They were good kids, and I loved being around them. I ignored the ache in my ovaries that reminded me that time was passing and if I wanted this for myself...well, I didn't want babies bad enough to settle down with the wrong man. And that was the problem. According to Ben, anyway. Apparently I was too choosy. Personally I didn't think that was a bad thing.

"You okay there, Audrey?" My brother, Dustin, nudged my shoulder and I realized I'd been daydreaming.

I shook myself out of it. "Yep. All good."

Sitting around Ben's dining table, two massive pizza's spread out between us, we ate. There was teasing, laughter and love. Naturally I spilled my drink. It was a given. Mom had been ready with the paper towels and I looked across the table, where Ben was standing behind my dad’s left shoulder, laughing along with the rest of them.

"Awwww geez, Fitz." Ben sobered, noticing the misty look in my eyes. "Don't. Don't get all sad on me."

"Sorry," I whispered, sniffing and blinking rapidly to dispel the moisture.

My big sister, Laura, who was sitting on my right, slung an arm around my shoulders and squeezed. "No need to apologize, Aud. I know some people give you a hard time about being clumsy"—she shot a sharp look at my sister-in-law, Amanda— "but it's what makes you uniquely you. And we wouldn't have you any other way."

Before I knew it, they were all raising their glasses and giving clumsy Audrey a toast.

"Oh good, pizza!" Thor busted through the cat door and made a beeline for the three children sitting on the floor, discarded pieces of pizza scattered around them.

"Thor," I warned. "You really shouldn't be eating people food. It's not good for you."

"Why not?" he replied, mouth full. "It's so delicious." He actually started purring as he ate and I laughed out loud when Thor, who usually made himself scarce whenever my nieces and nephews were around, tolerated the rough pats and cuddles all three bestowed on him while he stole their pizza.

"You're incorrigible." I sighed, knowing the kids would riot if I pulled the cat away. Dustin had whipped out his phone and began snapping pictures.

"So I hear you inherited Ben's estate?" Amanda said. It was a rhetorical question because I knew Mom would have told them all already, so I nodded, eyes sweeping over her. Despite the fact that she'd been at work all day she looked immaculate. She'd slipped off her jacket and shoes, but still, in her pencil skirt and white blouse she looked crisp and fresh and I knew if our positions were reversed I'd be a mess by now. I'd have various stains on the shirt and my hair wouldn't be that dead straight waterfall that looked like it had never been ruffled in its life; instead it would be a beehive, with strands sticking out every which way. I sighed. I really needed to stop comparing myself to Amanda.

"I did."

"What's the plan?" she asked next. "Are you going to sell?"

"Sell?!" I was taken aback. "Of course not." Geez, I would never sell Ben's home.

"You could make a very good profit—after taxes of course—and buy something nicer. Beasley, Tate and Associates are available to assist with any estate planning needs you may have," she offered. I knew she meant to be helpful, but holy heck. We hadn't even buried Ben yet and she was thinking about liquidating his assets.

"Amanda!" Dustin snapped, glaring at her. "Now's not the time. Or the place. For Christ's sake."

"Oh. Sorry." Amanda shrugged and I wondered, not for the first time, if she was somewhere on the Autism Spectrum.

"Babe, you okay?" Brad, Laura's husband, the quiet one of the bunch who you often forget was around because he was that quiet, peered at his wife who had her face buried in her hands.

"Laura?" I joined him in my concern. Her shoulders were shaking and I wasn't sure if she was crying or laughing. God, I hoped it was laughing. For if Laura started crying then I was going to follow and I'd been holding myself together pretty well. It would be a shame to come unraveled at this point. She dropped her hands, lifted her face, and despite her cheeks being wet, they were tears of laughter. I sagged in relief. "What's Copyright 2016 - 2024