Ghost Mortem (Ghost Detective #1) - Jane Hinchey Page 0,19

it down an octave or two.

Detective Kade Galloway had dropped me at home, saying he’d arrange to have my car returned to me and that I should rest up. He’d be in touch regarding a formal statement. That had been twelve hours ago and right up until this very second, there had been no sign of Ben.

“Sorry.” It was one of those apologies where you knew the issuer wasn’t sorry in the slightest—the word nothing more than an automatic response to having one’s ear chewed off.

“So?” I prodded. Ben lowered himself onto the sofa next to me with a sigh.

“I was supervising the scene.”

“And? Did they find anything else? They discovered the blood, right?”

He nodded. “They did. They’ve taken swabs. They’ve actually been very thorough.”

“You sound surprised.”

“Given the first responders were Clements and Mills, yeah. But Galloway knows what he’s doing and from what I saw he’s working hard to make changes in the force. I don’t envy him with that job.”

“You two are friends?” I couldn’t keep the surprise out of my voice, but Ben was already shaking his head.

“Nope. Only met recently.”

“Ahhh, the case.” I nodded. Galloway had mentioned he had something he wanted Ben's help with.

“He told you?” Ben’s head snapped around and pinned me with a stare.

I lifted my shoulders. “Not at all. He said it was classified, but that he wanted your input."

Flopping back on the sofa, Ben tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling. “Well, it’s your case now.”

“What do you mean, it’s my case now?” While he couldn’t possibly be any more relaxed, I was bean pole straight, my body taut with tension. After yesterday I’d already decided I was not cut out for the P.I. business. Finding dead bodies was exhausting.

“You need to find out what happened to me, Fitz.” The pleading look in Ben’s eyes was my undoing. I opened my mouth to respond only to be interrupted by a big grey cat.

“Where’s the litter tray?” Thor demanded from his position at the foot of my bed.

“Oh, you’re finally awake.” My car had been returned to me the evening before, along with one very loudly complaining cat.

“Hey,” Thor protested with a stretch, “I’m a cat. It’s what we do. Now about this litter tray? Or I can pee in one of your shoes, your choice.”

I looked at Ben in panic. I had no supplies to care for a cat. No litter box. No food. I’d put down a saucer of water upon his arrival, but he hadn’t touched it.

Ben looked from me to Thor and back again, his face lit up with a big grin. “This is perfect,” he said.

“Hardly!” Thor and I said in unison, then eyeballed each other.

Ben was shaking his head. “No, you don’t get it. Audrey, we need to get you back into the house—Thor is a brilliant cover.”

“Oh, right.” I got it. Wait, no I didn’t. “Why do I need to get back into your house again?”

“To access my files. My death has to be related to one of my cases.”

I cleared my throat. “Yes, well, I’m sure the police are working that angle too,” I said. “They aren’t going to appreciate me sticking my nose in.”

“I already told you, you’re a natural at this. You’ve got a bright, inquisitive mind.”

“And a clumsy, disaster-prone body,” I felt compelled to point out. “Hardly the material for a P.I.”

“And need I mention her predilection for fainting?” Thor chimed in.

“My what now?”

“Ignore him.” Ben brought my attention back to him. “He likes to use big words for a cat.” Ben eyed Thor with narrowed eyes. “She gets a pass for fainting. She had two very big shocks yesterday. In all the time I’ve known her, she’s never fainted before. It’s not an issue.”

Thor raised his nose in the air. “If you say so.” Jumping off the bed, he sniffed at a pair of red sneakers. “I wasn’t joking when I said I needed to pee,” Thor grumbled, his tail flicking.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Scooping up the grey bundle of fur, I looked at Ben beseechingly. I’d never owned a pet before. I was at a loss.

Ben laughed. “Just open the door and let him go outside. Thor, don’t wander off, okay? You’re not familiar with this neighborhood, and yes, before you protest, I know you have amazing feline skills, but please humor me on this. Do your business, then come straight back. We’ll leave the door open.”

“Very well. If you insist,” Thor rumbled near my ear. Opening Copyright 2016 - 2024