Ghost of a Chance - By Kirkendoll, Kara Page 0,89

Miss Drew. Hurry now! He is waiting for you! Wake up!”

So much of her life had been spent in a silent misery. Thinking about the past and what her future could never hold. She had so many times watched other couples as they would walk hand in hand together down the French Quarter, in grocery stores, even in the art gallery as they looked at paintings . Their eyes as well as their body language showed so much trust in one another. Even Liza and her husband had a bond that Drew never saw herself sharing with anyone, this should have made it seem more real to her. Hell, she couldn’t even tell her own mother that she loved her, how was she supposed to feel that with a man that she barely knew?

She did feel it though. She felt it in every inch of her body, in the very depth of her soul. Drew didn’t know how she had ever made it through life without him. She wanted to stroll through the park with him. She wanted to hold his hand as he held her heart and never let him go. He was her destiny. She knew that now. And she was going to make the most of every second that she was blessed with in her life from now on.

Brendan sat watching Drew breath. He willed her to open her eyes, but it seemed as though they wouldn’t budge. They had been through hell together and back. It was time that they got to share their own piece of heaven. When Liza crept up behind him with some terrible smelling concoction he almost jumped out of his boots. He had been concentrating so hard on Drew opening her eyes that he didn’t even hear her come in.

“What is that for?” He asked her.

“It’s just some he rbal tea. If you can help me sit her up we may be able to get her to drink it. She needs something in her system to get her heart pumping and hopefully wake up her nerves.”

“It smells awful. Something tells me that it isn’t tea at all, but I will take your word for it.” Brendan replied then reached behind Drew’s head and back and pulled her up against the head board.

“It’s just a little something to help get her moving…” as soon as the cup was under Drew’s nose her head popped up and her eyes opened wide. She stared straight into space as if she were in a trance.

“Drew?” Liza said softly. “Honey can you hear me?”

Drew’s eyes moved to Liza’s face she scanned her as if trying to remember who she was. When her eyes met Brendan’s they began to tear up.

“Am I dead?” she smiled. “Please tell me that I am dead so that we can be together now.”

Brendan was afraid to speak for fear of how cracked his voice would sound. The woman was crazy wishing for her life to end if only to be with him. It touched him and he thought that his heart would explode with the love that was over flowing it.

“No my love, you are not dead. We are both very much alive. I can think of much more fun things to do together on the living end of the world than on the dead.”

“How is it possible that I am alive?” She said through tears. Brendan thought that at this moment she looked like an innocent child. “I have seen hell unfold right before my eyes. I have seen angels protect me with their wings. I have seen a witch burn into nothing but ash and a girl walk right out of her grave. How could I have witnessed all of this unless I was dead? Yet, my heart hurts... so, I must still be alive."

“Why does your heart hurt, honey?” Liza asked.

“Because, it is so full.” Drew said and let the tears fall until she felt as though she would dry up.

Why hadn’t he been glowing? Why hadn’t there been twinkling or miracle music playing in the background? Drew sat on the front porch staring out at her garden in the sunlight, rocking and singing a tune of her own. Brendan had just simply gone from being a ghost for one hundred and fifty years to being human overnight. Drew had lived and died and lived again in one night as well. So much had happened in such a small amount of time that when Brendan had pulled Drew Copyright 2016 - 2024