Ghost of a Chance - By Kirkendoll, Kara Page 0,81

himself. Standing atop of Lezetta’s tomb, feet placed on either side of Drew’s body, stood an evil version of Brendan. He looked exactly like him; the only difference was the wickedness in his eyes.

“I wasn’t aware there were any battles to fight, Danny.” Brendan said still trying to catch his breath.

“How ‘tis it that ye have made yer way from that prison o’ yours, Brendan?” Danny said as he hopped down from Lezetta’s tomb. The dust from the ground, or maybe Danny’s boots puffed up in a cloud around his feet. “Don’t tell me the spell has been broken. There is no one left to love ye now!”

“How do you know about the spell, Danny?” Brendan said growing angrier every second. Drew’s body lay helpless on a cold tomb and nothing but the devil himself was standing in between him and her.

“Oh Brendan, so n aive ye have always been. Course you was always the one on the right track weren’t ye? Always the good boy that be believing that no one can do ye no harm. The curse was my idea in the first place!” Danny’s laugh cut through Brendan’s soul like a jagged knife.

“Why, Danny? What did I ever do to you, my brother?” Brendan’s heart hurt. He had always loved his brother even though he knew since they were very young and Danny drowned the small kittens that had made their way into their back yard, that something was very wrong with him. “What did I ever do to make you hate me so?”

“Because as much as we look the same, ye were always the golden child! The favorite, the one to do no wrong! While I was being whipped from shoulder to shank for childish crimes that we both committed, you was being placed upon on a pedestal for all the blasted world to worship!” Danny’s eyes turned red and Brendan half expected horns to grow from his head and smoke to start rolling out of his ears.

“Do not stand there and tell me about your terrible childhood when you brought it all on yourself! Ever since the moment you drowned those cats you had nothing but the devil in you. I’ve no idea what led you to that moment but everything that you got after that you deserved it very well and you know it. Why don’t you tell me the real reason for your curses now, Danny!” Brendan was shaking with anger. He didn’t know how but he knew that the more time he wasted arguing with someone that he couldn’t control, the closer he was coming to losing Drew to the other side forever.

“You always had everything didn’t you, Brendan? From the moment I was sent away it was all yours for the taking! When I saw that ye even had the most beautiful woman in the world at the palm of your hands I couldn’t bear to let you have it all any longer! I tricked that little wench of yours into thinking that I was you. After I bedded her and shook her boots right off of her pretty little feet I told her the truth then. She was madly in love with me by then, lad! I had her in the palm of me hands! The only problem was that she wanted my charm and my body, and your money.”

Liza was slowly coming to. She could feel someone shaking her but couldn’t quite focus on a face.

“Liza!” The voice faded in and out as it desperately tried to reach her.

“Drew?” Liza mumbled. “Drew! Focus! I can barely see you or hear you!”

It was seriously pissing her off! Drew knew that everyone could see Danny as plain as day but she could barely stay in focus for more than a second. How was he doing it?

“Concentrate, Drew!” She heard Mary Ann say. “You’ve got to feel all the love and hate in one. Everything that has ever touched ye heart, you’ve got to let it shine! Your friend she needs ya now!”

Drew closed her eyes. She thought of her mother’s face the night that she opened the door and saw the man that she thought loved her trying to rape her daughter. She saw the hate in her mother’s eyes ever since that night. She saw the amazement in Liza’s eyes after she knocked that stupid Kelly Barbie bitch flat on her ass and how she looked up to her for a long time after that.

Then, she saw her friend’s eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024