Ghost of a Chance - By Kirkendoll, Kara Page 0,30

in case. She had almost drifted off to sleep in the bath and hadn’t even noticed the piano had stopped playing.

He knew it was wrong to look in on her while she was bathing but something made him go through the door anyway. He watched her breath. She was so beautiful. She had enough bubbles to supply an entire spa so all he could see was her face. He stayed long enough to make sure that she didn’t fall asleep in the tub then when she started to sit up he left the room and whispered good night so low that even he barely heard it himself.

The next day Drew could feel him watching her every move. She could feel his movements as if he were trying to smother her. She felt him stiffen with every movement around the house and felt him leap forward with the first spray of pledge.

“Don’t worry; it won’t hurt your furniture.” She said. “It helps protect it and leaves a nice clean shine.” She demonstrated with a wipe of the cloth. “See!”

She felt him back off then and knew that he was pleased. She drew open the curtains and opened the windows for fresh air. She then set her canvas up in the living room.

She had promised Liza that she would put her painting away for a while but it was in her blood. She craved the feel of the brush in her hand. She told herself that she wouldn’t paint faces, only objects.

She painted a tree, a very “happy” tree she thought, some flowers grew around the trunk. She tried very hard to stay focused, to draw happy things. Somehow she was lost again. Lost in a world she knew nothing about.

She drew him again. He was tall, so tall that she had to stand on her tip toes to kiss his lips. His shoulders were broad, so broad that he could swallow her when he wrapped his arms around her to dance closely as they had in so many of her dreams.

She felt her temperature rise as his hands fell across her breast. Her toes curled as his other hand reached around to brace the back of her neck as he leaned in to take her mouth in his.

She had never been kissed that way before. She had never really even been kissed before for that matter. She had never felt that way before. She dropped her charcoal stick when she heard the table next to the couch tip over. It had made her jump and startled her back into reality.

When she looked around her there were drawings everywhere. At some point she had traded her paint brush in for charcoal. She saw his face again, everywhere. Her eyes focused then on the drawing that she had just been working on when the table crashing broke her trance. She saw what she had never experienced before in her life nor had any desire for. She saw the image that had just been in her mind. She saw them together on paper in front of her, making love. She saw it and she fainted.

Chapter 4 The Moon

Brendan hadn’t meant to knock over the end table. He had been watching her paint like a mad person, painting after painting. She painted half of his face in one then threw down her brush, tore the paper off and sketched just his eyes with charcoal. She tore the paper off again and again all following a crazed episode of drawing him. She was in a trance.

She had finally stopped and just stared at the blank canvas. He thought that she was done. Then she started drawing very slowly. She was mumbling something under hear breath that he couldn’t understand. He walked away. Not sure what to do. He couldn’t let her continue this fanatical episode. When he turned around and saw what she had drawn, the two of them together as only he had imagined, he had started toward her, to stop her somehow, and ran into the table.

He saw her eyes then. She was frightened. He didn’t understand why, but when the color left her face he knew that she was going to faint. He ran to her and caught her before she could hit the floor. He tucked her into her bed then left her once again. This time he put the paintings and drawings up stairs where she would never see them. And even went as far as hiding her art tools. He Copyright 2016 - 2024