Ghost (Boston Underworld #3) - A. Zavarelli Page 0,12

But Alexei is not looking where Arman points. His eyes are on Arman, watching his face intently. The noxious thumping of my heart tells me this can’t be good.

Alexei steps forward, absently running a strand of my hair through his fingers. I flinch at the pain in my scalp, and he frowns.

“She is American, is she not?” he asks.

I glance up at him curiously. He already knows I’m American, since he spoke English to me last week. So why is he pretending he doesn’t?

Arman replies, but Alexei doesn’t seem to hear him. His gaze is still focused on me, and mine on him. It’s only after I break contact first that he turns back to Arman.

The room is silent for a few awkward moments before Alexei repeats his question.


Arman appraises him and then nods. “Yes. An American gem. So you must be able to understand my hesitation in parting with her, even temporarily. She is worth a lot of money this one, and she is very valuable to me.”

“Valuable indeed,” Alexei replies. “Like the shipment I was expecting.”

Arman’s face sours at this, and for the first time since I’ve known him he actually looks speechless. And it’s then that I realize that if Arman is afraid of this guy, I probably should be too. Here they are, talking about pawning me off on this man who already fucked up all of my plans. And for what?

“You’ve put us out,” Alexei states. “You can either part with her as collateral, or I can inform Viktor that you have cut the deal altogether...”

Arman growls out his frustration and throws his hands into the air. “Trust me when I say I’m doing you a favor. This girl cannot be trained. She is worthless in that aspect. I have tried everything. I think the shalava actually likes the beatings I give her. But I have another slave, who…”

“No,” Alexei objects. “I am not interested in other slaves, Arman. The idea of collateral is to part with something of value. Any of your other slaves will not do. It has to be her or nothing.”

“Yes, yes.” Arman nods obediently. “I understand. We are all friends here… no need for threats. You can take the girl.”

The room is quiet while Alexei looks me over once more. Arman is still nervous, evident by the sweat on his forehead, and it makes me nervous too. But then I think of the possibilities outside of this room. This man does not know me. He may have found my pills, but he can’t predict all of the thoughts running through my mind. Leaving here means more options. More opportunities to find another means.

“I will take her,” Alexei breaks the silence. “Until you have fulfilled the order for the lost shipment, plus three additional…”

“Three additional shipments?” Arman’s eyes bulge. “But that could take…”

“The price of doing business,” Alexei responds. “You have inconvenienced me, and I am growing tired of you already. Do we have a deal or not?”

“Very well,” Arman says. “I can have her sent over this afternoon.”

“No.” Alexei shakes his head. “I will take her now.”

Arman sullenly undoes my shackles and attaches a leash to my collar. He jerks me to my feet and makes me walk outside without a shred of clothing on. He hands Alexei the leash, stroking my face one last time. I shudder, refusing to look at him.

The low sun stings my eyes, and they begin to water. It’s the first time I’ve been outside in over a year. It’s so overwhelming I have to fight the urge to cover my eyes. To hide in the darkness like the animal I am. Alexei ushers me to a car where another man is standing guard. He opens the door and I slide into the back seat, Alexei following suit. Once Arman is back in the house, he removes the leash from my collar. Then he frowns and shrugs out of his jacket, handing it to me.

I don’t understand the kind gesture at all, even if it is cold. I hesitate, but ultimately decide to take it, since I desperately need a safe cocoon. It’s warm and smells like him, but it does not bother me.

Alexei says something to the driver who eyes me in the rearview mirror before cranking up the heater and driving off. As we drive, I feel Alexei’s eyes on me but I am too transfixed by the scenery outside to pay attention to anything else. I don’t even know where I’m at. Copyright 2016 - 2024