Getting Played - Emma Chase Page 0,39

looked out for you, ragged on you, knocked you around. They always treated me like one of their own. They still do.

“I say run, dude. She gave you an out—take it. You’re the genius, right? Don’t be stupid.”

That heartwarming bit of advice comes from Tim.

Every family has a dick in it. Timmy is the Daniels’s dick.

I like the guy, don’t get me wrong. But he’s got youngest child syndrome and he’s got it bad. That means he’s selfish, self-centered, with the mentality of a sixteen-year-old. An immature sixteen-year-old.

“You’d really ditch your own kid that easily?” Connor gives his brother a judgmental look.

“Depends.” Timmy thinks it over. “Does Mom know?”

“Can you not be a dick?” Garrett asks. “For like, two seconds? Is that even possible?”

“Probably not.” Tim pats his brother’s shoulder. “But, good talk, bro.”

Garrett goes to smack him—but through the years Tim’s learned to be quick with the block.

“Dude, I’m joking,” he says, laughing. “I swear to Christ, Callie’s hormones are catching—every time you get her pregnant you get all oversensitive and emotional.”

“Shut up, dumbass.”

“I’m not going to run,” I tell them, steering the conversation back into focus. “I’m paying her child support—obviously. I’m not going to leave her hanging.” I shake my head. “But the whole dad thing. . . I don’t know about that.”

Discipline is not my strong suit. I think you’re only young once—and you should make it last as long as possible. I think partying is good for the soul. I think teenagers should learn how to handle their alcohol years before they actually turn twenty-one. I hate green vegetables. I eat them, because they’re good for me—but I don’t think I could make someone else eat them.

I always saw myself as more of the fun uncle type of guy, who’d send Garrett’s kids birthday cards full of cash and who’d eventually retire to Florida with a rotating harem of girlfriends half my age.

As far as life plans go, that was the extent of mine. Children, a wife, a family—they were never part of the picture.

“I mean, really, could you see me raising a kid?”

Garrett looks me dead in the face, his brown eyes dark and serious.


Connor—who’s opinion I’ve always respected, agrees.


“For real?” I ask.

“Hell, yeah,” Connor says. “I’ve seen you with Will—you’re good with him.”

I jerk my thumb toward Garrett. “Will is his. I can give him back.”

Garrett shakes his head. “But when they’re yours, you don’t want to give them back. Everything they do is amazing. They take a shit and it’s like a miracle.”

Timmy grimaces. “That’s gross, Gar.”

“And yet, still true.” Garrett takes a drink from his beer, looking at me. “You’re great with your students.”

I wave him off. “They’re teenagers.”

“Teenagers and babies aren’t so different. Most of the time, the babies are easier to reason with.”

Connor points at his brother. “This is a fact.”

Connor’s youngest son, seven-year-old Spencer, calls up to his father to come skip rocks with them. Connor got divorced about two years ago—he only gets the boys every other weekend, so when they’re with him—he makes damn sure he’s with them too. He puts his bottle on the table and heads down the steps to the dock.

“There is the baby-momma perk,” Tim throws out thoughtfully. “That shouldn’t be discounted.”

Garrett shakes his head at his youngest brother. “Please don’t frigging help.”

Still I ask, “What’s the baby-momma perk?”

Tim leans forward. “I’m assuming this Lainey chick is good-looking?”

“Gorgeous.” I confirm.

“Well, she’s going to need someone to bang her during the next nine months. It’s not like pregnant girls are big on trolling for hookups, so that duty will more than likely fall on your dick. We’re talking unlimited, easy access booty calls—condom-free—it’s not like you can knock her up twice.”

That is an excellent point. I’m shocked I didn’t think of it myself.

I’ve been dreaming of getting back inside Lainey for months. And now she’s here. Available, eager—I saw the way her eyes roamed over me on conference night and at lunch today—the way her pupils dilated and her nipples hardened. I know when a woman is interested in me, and Lainey is definitely up for a repeat of the summer. Probably several repeats.

I picture how she’ll look a few months from now—her breasts fuller, her stomach rounder and heavier—and yep, it feels slightly wrong, but it’s even more of a turn on.

Tim’s phone rings and he glances at the screen, wiggling his eyebrows. “Speaking of booty calls.” He heads up the steps toward the house as he answers, “Hey, baby,” leaving Garrett Copyright 2016 - 2024