Georgie's Big Greek Wedding - By Emily Forbes Page 0,63

was Josh had helped her to discover her true self, but she couldn’t maintain it without him. She needed him. Part of her had remained behind with Josh and she knew she’d never be complete again without him.

* * *

Josh took the coffee pot off the stove as he tried not to think about the free Saturday that stretched emptily in front of him. It was the first free day he’d had in the past eighteen since he’d moved back to Brisbane General to take up his new position as Head of Emergency. The role had been offered to him earlier than expected and he’d jumped at the chance. Not only was it the job he wanted but it gave him a reason to leave Cairns.

He’d thought leaving Cairns was the answer. He’d thought it would help him get his life back in control. After all, taking up this position meant he was achieving his goals. And leaving Cairns should help him to forget about Georgie. It would remove him from everything they had in common, from all the familiar places they’d shared. But, of course, he took his memories with him and even taking on the new job didn’t keep him busy enough to forget about her.

Last weekend he’d chosen to spend his days at the hospital, finding his feet, he’d told himself, rather than spending the days alone. His own company wasn’t something he normally minded but he wasn’t particularly enjoying his solitude at the moment. He wasn’t particularly enjoying anything.

He thought about what he’d shared with Georgie—sex with no strings attached. It was what he’d asked for and what he’d been given, but it hadn’t been the answer either. Too late he’d discovered that it wasn’t what he truly wanted. He wanted the strings. He missed the strings.

The phone rang, interrupting his sombre thoughts. He recognised the QMERT Cairns number as he answered.

‘Hi, Josh, it’s Lou. How are you? How’s Brisbane? How’s the new job?’ In typical Lou fashion she barely paused for breath.


There was silence. Josh had expected her to jump straight in with her next question but she was obviously waiting for him to elaborate and he had nothing more to say. The job was good, it was everything he’d expected, but it wasn’t enough. He had the job he wanted but he didn’t have the girl. And he wasn’t about to tell Louise that.

‘I’ve got some mail here for you.’

Louise had his forwarding address. Why was she ringing to tell him about random mail?

‘It’s from Georgie’s parents,’ she said. ‘I got one too. It’s an invitation to their fortieth wedding anniversary celebrations. I’ll send it down to you.’

‘Thanks. When’s the party?’

‘In two weeks,’ Lou said. ‘But why did they send the invitation here? Don’t they know you’re in Brisbane? Haven’t you spoken to Georgie?’

Ah, her phone call made more sense now. ‘No. Why would I have?’

‘I just thought you might have called to tell her you’d got the job and were back in Brisbane. I’m sure she would be pleased for you.’

‘Have you spoken to her?’ he asked. Maybe Louise could tell him what he wanted to know. ‘Is she—?’ He cut himself off. He couldn’t ask the questions he wanted to. Is she seeing anyone? Is she happy? It wasn’t up to Louise to tell him the answers. Lou was right, he should have called Georgie himself. But he couldn’t do that. Somehow that would feel as if he’d be losing control. He changed his words. ‘Is she enjoying being back in Melbourne?’

‘I think she’s taking some time to settle back in. You should call her, tell her you’ll go down to Melbourne for the party.’

‘No. I don’t think I will.’

‘Why not? I thought you’d want to catch up with her. I still don’t understand why you let her go.’

‘Because I’m not the man she’s looking for. I’m not what she needs.’

‘Did she tell you that?’ He could hear the surprise in Lou’s voice.

‘No. She didn’t need to. I’m not cut out for relationships, for commitment. I’m no good at it.’

‘What a load of rubbish. You’ve obviously just never been in the right relationship.’

‘My relationships always end in disaster. She’s better off without me.’

‘There’s always the chance that the two of you would be better off together than apart. Georgie wants someone to love. What if that someone was you? Have you thought about that? Unless, of course, you’re happy alone?’

No, he wasn’t happy, he thought as he hung up the phone, but Copyright 2016 - 2024