The Gentleman and the Thief (The Dread Penny Society #2) - Sarah M. Eden Page 0,6

at their destination. Talk of authors and stories had distracted Ana for a moment, but now her nerves returned fully.

She was handed down from the carriage. Mr. Darby joined her in the next moment, her violin case still in his hand. He offered his free arm, and she wove hers through it.

The music room of the fine house was full to bursting. Mr. Darby did not abandon her. He walked with her to their hostess and made a charming and proper introduction.

“Ah, yes, Miss Newport,” Mrs. Kennard said. “Miss Black said you would be favoring us with a performance.”

“I will do my utmost to not be a disappointment.”

Mrs. Kennard elegantly waved that off. “Your abilities are well spoken of by those whose word can be trusted.”

“Miss Black is too kind,” Ana said.

“Mr. Headley told me of your talent as well.”

Mr. Headley. That was unexpected. He had, at one time, been a suitor of Elizabeth’s, before she had revealed her preference for Mr. Walker. In all Mr. Headley’s visits, he’d never shown himself to have taken the least notice of her.

“Thank you for inviting me this evening, Mrs. Kennard,” Mr. Darby said.

“Of course. Perhaps in the future, you might convince your brother and sister-in-law to attend.”

Mr. Darby dipped his head. “I will do my best to convince them.”

A bit of tension touched the promise. Had Mrs. Kennard noticed? She didn’t appear to.

Ana took a seat beside Elizabeth, waiting her turn to perform. Several others were called upon before she was: two young ladies on the pianoforte, another on the harp, a young gentleman on the cello, and an older gentleman who sang a fine rendition of a Mozart aria.

Then it was her turn. Elizabeth gave her arm an encouraging squeeze. The gathered attendees applauded politely as was expected. Mrs. Kennard waited in front of the group for Ana to join her.

After a quick check of the strings to make certain her violin was in tune, Ana gave Mrs. Kennard a nod. In an instant, she stood alone before them all. Her gaze met Mr. Darby’s. He dipped his head almost imperceptibly and smiled reassuringly.

She set her violin on her shoulder and rested her chin in place. Her selection for the evening was a portion of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D Major. She knew it well enough that she hardly needed to think in order to play, and the tune wasn’t so emotive as to be scandalous nor so staid as to be boring.

As she played, she clandestinely searched the crowd for Mrs. Sudworth. One row at a time, she checked each face.

Near the end of the piece, Ana saw the woman she was looking for. Mrs. Sudworth sat nearer the back of the room where the chandelier light sparkled off the many jewels she wore. Ana remembered how that ghastly woman would trot out her entire collection of gemstones any time she was in Society. The result was far more gaudy than impressive, but no one doubted for a moment that the woman was wealthy. And Mrs. Sudworth never doubted that she was above her company.

She likely didn’t even remember Ana or the harm she’d done to Ana’s family. But Ana remembered. And that memory had brought her here tonight.

Ana finished her piece almost without realizing it. That’s what came of choosing a selection she didn’t have to pay attention to. The attendees applauded politely. She offered a curtsey and a smile before resuming her seat.

Elizabeth leaned closer. “Beautifully played.”

“Thank you.” Ana took a tight breath. Everyone would likely think it was a release of nerves, but her uneasiness was only just beginning.

From the other side of Mr. Walker, who sat beside Elizabeth, Mr. Darby leaned forward enough to meet her eye.

“Lovely.” He mouthed the word, but she could clearly make it out.

She smiled her gratitude, and relaxed. Though Mr. Darby didn’t know the entirety of what weighed on her, his support proved deeply reassuring.

The remaining performers were quite good, their selections pleasing and well-executed. At the conclusion of the performances, the gathering rose from their seats and began mingling as they made their way to the refreshment table.

Ana kept a tight hold on her violin case—she would need it—and made her way purposefully but unobtrusively to where Mrs. Sudworth had been sitting. Her quarry had risen along with the rest of the attendees but hadn’t gone far.

A diamond necklace sparkled above her neckline. Rings adorned nearly every finger. A silver bracelet sat amongst a half dozen pearl ones. Gems even Copyright 2016 - 2024