The Gathering Storm - By Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson Page 0,150

his position without a great deal of ambition.

However, he was known to be a prudent man as well as an ambitious one. He would not strike unless he was convinced it was for the best. He would have to believe that he had a strong potential for success and that removing Tuon would be better for the Empire. That was the difference between an ambitious fool and an ambitious wise man. The latter understood that killing someone was only the beginning. Taking Tuon’s life and assuming the throne himself would gain him nothing if it alienated the rest of the Blood.

He walked to his table with maps. “If you wish to continue to prosecute the war, Highest Daughter, permit me to explain the condition of your army. One of our most ambitious plans is being organized by Lieutenant-General Yulan.”

Galgan gestured to the assembled officers and a short, dark-skinned man of the low Blood stepped forward. He wore a black wig to hide his baldness, and he approached and knelt before Tuon, bowing.

“You are commanded to rise and speak, General,” Selucia Voiced.

“The Highest Daughter should know my thanks,” Yulan said, rising. At the map table, he gestured for several aides to hold up a map so that Tuon could see. “Aside from setbacks in Arad Doman, the process of reclaiming these lands has proceeded as expected. More slowly than we would wish, but not without great victories. The people of these kingdoms do not rally to the defense of their neighboring nations. We have had great success seizing them one at a time. Only two issues cause us worry. The first is this Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, who has been pursuing an aggressive war of unification to the north and east. The Highest Daughter’s wisdom will be needed in teaching us to subdue him.

“The other concern has been the large number of marath’damane concentrated in the place known as Tar Valon. I believe the Highest Daughter has heard of the great weapon they used to destroy a large patch of land north of Ebou Dar.”

Tuon nodded.

“The sul’dam have never seen its like,” Yulan continued. “We assume it is a thing of damane, which can be taught to them, if the right marath’damane are taken. This wondrous ability they have to transport instantly from one place to another—if true—will prove a second technique of great tactical advantage that we must capture.”

Tuon nodded again, studying the map, which showed the place called Tar Valon. Selucia Voiced, “The Highest Daughter is curious as to your plans. You will proceed.”

“My thanks are expressed deeply,” Yulan said, bowing. “As Captain of the Air, I have the honor of commanding the raken and to’raken serving the Return. I believe that a strike at the very heart of our enemy’s lands would not only be possible, but highly advantageous. We have not yet had to fight many of these marath’damane in combat, but as we advance into lands controlled by the Dragon Reborn, we will undoubtedly face them in great numbers.

“They assume that they are safe from us at this time. A strike now could have great impact on the future. Each marath’damane we leash is not only a powerful tool gained by our forces, but one lost by the enemy. Preliminary reports claim that there are hundreds upon hundreds of marath’damane congregated in this place called the White Tower.”

That many? Tuon thought. A force like that could turn the war entirely. True, those marath’damane who had traveled with Matrim had said that they would not take part in wars. Indeed, marath’damane who had once been Aes Sedai had—so far—proven useless as weapons. But could there be some way to twist their supposed vows? Something Matrim had said in passing made her suspect they could. Her fingers flew.

“The Daughter of the Nine Moons wonders how a strike against them could be feasible,” Selucia Voiced. “The distance is great. Hundreds of leagues.”

“We would use a force of mostly to’raken,” General Yulan said. “With some raken for scouting. Our captured maps show large grasslands with very few inhabitants, which could be used as resting points along the way. We could strike across Murandy here,” he pointed at a second map, which aides held up, “and come at Tar Valon from the south. If it pleases the Highest Daughter, we could raid at night, while the marath’damane are asleep. Our objective would be to capture as many of them as possible.”

“It is wondered if this really could be accomplished,” Selucia Copyright 2016 - 2024