Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,95

not, I'm actually an adrenaline junkie."

"I'm not," Kate reminded him.

"You are, a bit," he told her. "A very organized, logical, and driven type of adrenaline junkie, sure - but you never would've met me at that restaurant if you didn't like a little bit of the unknown."

Kate moved to take the trolley. "Ok, maybe. I just..."

He leaned in and kissed her, cutting her off. Kate pressed back, parting her lips just enough to make it clear he was more than allowed to keep going. Adam's tongue swept through her mouth, staking his claim, and then he eased back to look in her eyes.

"Right now, Rhaven is showing her ID at the ticket counter, and it has her real name on it. Somewhere out there, Chance and Dez are having deep conversations while driving across the expanse of this country. Riley's herd of insanity is doing whatever crazy shit they do. And us? We're making it all possible. So, for the next week, you're going to stop being Ms. Gaskill for a bit, and you are going to remember that you are Lithium."

"Yes, Ice," she said obediently, but a smile was taking over her lips.

"I put a lot of thought into all of this, and the hotel staff in Vegas have all been informed that my private guests are to be treated like kings and queens. The good kind, mind you. Stop worrying about KoG. Forget about all the bad things, and focus on the fact that you are one hell of a gamer girl. This is going to be fun, and I am ordering you to enjoy yourself."

"You're not my boss, Mr. Degrass," she reminded him.

His smile turned sly. "No, I'm not, but I still like it when you beg, and I love how that sneer is still in your voice when you say my last name. Now, I'm pretty sure they won't hold the plane for me. So, shall we?"

She pushed the trolley. "Isn't the man supposed to do this?"

"Equality, Kate. You want it, and I'm willing to give it." She gasped, turning to him with her mouth hanging open. Adam just laughed and took the thing from her hands. "In truth, I just wanted to see if you'd let me get away with it."

"Oh, now it's my trolley," she told him. "You have to open the doors."

"Yes, Ms. Gaskill," he teased, hurrying ahead to do just that.

Yep, he managed to make her name sound very sexy when he did that. So for just a moment, Kate forgot all about Soul_Reaper, the Kings of Gaming, and everything but the sexy man in a suit waving her into the airport. For now, she was going to focus on him and the excitement of the crew getting back together.

Riley, Void, Knock, Cade, and Murder were packed into Knock's new SUV. He was also letting Riley drive, because it was just easier that way. Murder was on his phone, probably sending messages to Kitty. On his other side, Cade was scrolling through the PLG's website, looking at the list of events. The problem was that Knock couldn't convince himself to ignore the elephant in the room - or truck.

"We got a week to make this happen, right?" he asked.

Logan leaned forward to turn down the radio. "Which 'this?'" he asked.

"Catching the guy," Cade said, immediately understanding what Knock was talking about. He also didn't lift his eyes from his phone.

Murder dimmed his screen. "Don't get your heart set on it. Cyn's been tracking this guy for years, and Soul Reaper keeps giving him the slip."

"That was before us," Cade said.

"And the rest of us," Riley added. "I also think the pressure's a little more intense. Something's going to happen."

"Like someone else shooting at you?" Knock asked. "C'mon, Riley, I do not want to inherit the farm until I'm old. Shit, or let Ryan have it."

"Soul Reaper never shot at me," Riley reminded him. "That was all the others. I mean, Frenzy's the dumbass who came to our place. Soul Reaper keeps his shit online."

Logan set his coffee mug in the holder and sighed. "Knock's right. We need a plan."

"We have a plan," Riley insisted. "We get Jason and Zara married first. We all stop thinking the world is coming to an end, and then we remember why we make the big bucks. We fucking earned our way here, people. Not because we whined about it, but because we got up off our asses when it was hard, pushed ourselves to our limits, Copyright 2016 - 2024