Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,81

was just a mess of kids and some script they found online. Nothing honestly criminal, but a visit from the FBI was enough to scare the pair of teens to the straight and narrow.

On the way home, Bradley admitted that he'd done a few other cases, but all of them had been easy and short-term assignments. From the sounds of it, neither of them would get another big case until it was determined whether or not they'd need to testify against Arturo. The prosecuting attorney didn't want anything to get delayed because they were out of state or unavailable. Since the KoG situation was still getting covered by the news, the FBI needed to make sure that nothing at all went wrong.

Yet the moment Jason walked through the door of their apartment, Zara dragged him to bed. Lately, his woman's sex drive had been through the roof, and he was not about to complain at all. He made love to her once, then again in the shower, and a third time while they made dinner. Needless to say, the food burned. He considered a fourth time while they waited for the pizza to be delivered, but figured his body might regret that. But when she curled up against him that night and fell asleep, he decided that maybe this was what happily ever after was supposed to be like.

The next day, he slept in. Zara crawled out of bed without waking him, but Crysis stole her spot. Jason woke to a faceful of dog hair and a clock that said it was just after two. Daylight outside, so that meant two in the afternoon. It convinced him to drag his ass out of bed. He grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms, but that was all.

Then he heard giggling. It was the sound of Zara having way too much fun doing whatever she was doing, and the type of giggles that proved she was being just a little bit naughty. He paused to make himself a cup of coffee, and she squealed in excitement.

"That's seven! You lame-ass bastard!"

Ok, that meant she was gaming. Lifting his cup, he took one sip and then headed into the game room where their computers were set up side by side. Sure enough, Zara had her headphones on and her face leaned much too close to the screen. She was intense, and her fingers were flying over the keyboard. He didn't have the heart to tell her that she kinda sucked at the game. She loved it, and she was honestly fun to play with, so that was all he cared about.

Then she whooped again. This time, she threw up her hands with it, startling him so that he flinched back. The coffee in his overly-full cup sloshed over the edge and right onto his foot. Jason sucked in a breath, quickly putting his cup on the desk, and wiping his foot on the back of his leg. That was when Zara realized she wasn't alone.

"Oh, shit," she breathed. "Did I wake you?"

"No, Crysis did," he promised.

But her eyes lost focus and a little smile touched her lips. "Kate says good morning. Riley says to get on TeamSpeak. Murder says something about badass. Um, yeah. Oh! And I'm on a kill streak!"

"Then keep killing," he told her.

Zara clicked to spawn her character into the base. "So, gaming with you seems to be the secret to success," she said. "And sorry, guys, my hands are busy so I can't change the - shit, there he is! The voice activation settings," she said, jumbling that all up.

Jason knew she was talking to their friends, so he didn't care, but damn, was she cute. She had on a pair of athletic shorts, a tiny little tank, and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail. Combined with the headset, she was definitely a gamer girl, and the hot kind. Damn, but he was a lucky man.

"Oh, you skanky bastard," she groaned, leaning as she turned her character around the corner. "Haha! You think you can outsmart me." Then she hit the key for a grenade and ducked back out the door.

"Go around," he told her. "The guy will try for the window or back door."

Zara moved, racing the way he'd said, and sure enough, her little friend hopped through the window just in front of her. Scoping in, she put her crosshairs on his head and double tapped. At the bottom of the screen, Jason saw the notification pop Copyright 2016 - 2024