Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,173


"Braden?" Jason asked. "Cyn. We found them. I don't know much, but I know someone's moving in there."

"Rhaven?" Braden begged.

"A shadow," Jason told him as he began to pull pieces from his case.

"Where?" Braden demanded.

"That GPS location that Kate's phone sent. We're staging at an Embassy Suites beside it."

"We're on our way. Adam has a limo that will fit all of us." There was a pause, then, "Move, guys. He's found them." And then Braden's attention was back. "Save her, Jason? Please? Save all of them."

"That's the plan," Jason assured him as he tightened down the barrel, but there was no excitement in his voice. Nor fear. His emotions had been locked as far away as possible. "Gotta go to work now." And he reached over to end the call.

"They coming?" Bradley asked.

"They're all coming," Jason promised. "Crysis, heel. We need a better fucking angle, and I need a damned distance."

Chapter 57

Kate moved beside Rhaven and Zara, horrified with what Riley was doing. She also understood it. Right now, this was Riley's biggest fear. These men from KoG were threatening her friends. Riley would rather they focused on her. Dez was waiting to be violated again. It was obvious from the look on the woman's face: pure disgust mixed with fear. Zara wasn't thrilled about the guns, but so far she was keeping her shit together.

That left Kate and Rhaven to keep their wits about them and make sure their friends didn't push these men too far. Soul_Reaper - Larry - was pissed. But at the same time, the more he ranted at Dez for ruining his life - and her replying each time with a completely logical explanation - the more the other men were looking less and less convinced that they were in the right.

But Kate knew men like this guy. They were all the same. Maybe that was why Soul_Reaper looked familiar? Could it be the hate in his eyes, or more? No, she was pretty sure she'd seen his face before. Granted, he'd been at the conventions, so she'd probably walked past him or even bumped into him. But this felt… different. Like she should recognize him.

And then the sirens came. The sound was soft, but a couple of the men looked toward the window, proving they'd heard it too. Beside her, Zara let out a heavy breath, but she didn't say a word. Rhaven just moved closer, reaching over to clasp Kate's wrist. The wrist where her watch was missing. That meant they knew the building but not the room! She needed to do something.

"You know what this means, right?" she asked, looking at the guys who still hid behind their masks. "That man's lost it, and he's going to take you down with him. It's what Soul Reaper does. He frames others to take the fall for him. And now the cops are coming."

"Yeah? And we'll kill you before they kill us," one snapped.

"And what purpose will that serve?" Kate countered. "Five women. It won't even make you famous. Fifty-two people were killed in this same town a few years ago. Kids with guns take out more at schools every day. You won't even make headlines. And if you live? You'll spend the rest of your lives in jail for murder instead of a decade for kidnapping. Unless..." She looked at Rhaven.

"They wouldn't," Rhaven said, understanding that Kate was trolling them if nothing else.

"But if they left now, before the cops actually get here, they'd be free. No one's seen their faces! Toss the masks and hoodies, and it's Vegas. They'd blend right in. By the time the police were done checking on us, they'd be in the wind."

"Yeah," Rhaven said, "but they're trying to make a point, remember? Prove that gamer girls are evil. I'm not really sure that's going to stick, because this isn't looking good for them."

Her fingers were trembling against Kate's wrist. Granted, Kate's hands weren't any better, but doing those stupid fucking speeches for so long had taught her how to control her voice. She sounded unconcerned and unaffected, even if she was about to piss her fucking pants. If this went sideways at all, those guys would realize the best way to get out of here. If they shot the women just enough to wound all of them, the police would have to help, not chase.

But one of the men broke from the group, walking over to the window to look out. "Fuck! That's SWAT!"

"Which means they're going Copyright 2016 - 2024